Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #167 (1814) Meter: Lyrics: 1 In raptures let our hearts ascend,
Our heav'nly seats to view,
And grateful trace that shining path
Our rising Saviour drew.
2 "Up to my Father and my God,
"I go;" (the Conq'ror cries)
"Up to Father and your God,
"My brethren, lift your eyes."
3 And doth the Lord of glory call
Such worms his brethren dear?
And doth he point to heav'n's high throne,
And shew our Father there?
4 And doth he teach my feeble tongue
That tuneful sound, "my God?"
and breathe his spirit on my heart
To shed his grace abroad?
5 O world, produce a good like this,
And thou shalt have my love.
Till then, my Father claims it all,
And Christ who dwells above. Topics: Resurrection and Glory of Christ Languages: English
In raptures let our hearts ascend