Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CXX (1791) First Line: If Paul in Cæsar's Court must stand Lyrics: 1 If Paul in Cæsar's Court must stand,
He need not fear the Sea;
Secur'd from Harm, on ev'ry Hand,
By the divine Decree.
2 Altho' the Ship wherein he sail'd,
By dreadful Storms was toss'd;
The promise over all prevail'd,
And not a Life was lost.
3 Jesus! the God whom Paul ador'd,
Who saves in Time of need;
Was then confess'd by all on Board,
A present Help indeed!
4 Tho' neither Sun nor Stars were seen
Paul knew the Lord was near;
And Faith preserv'd his Soul Serene,
When others shook with Fear.
5 Believers thus are toss'd about
On Life's tempestuous Main;
But Grace assures beyond a Doubt
They shall their Port attain.
6 They must, they shall appear one Day,
Before their Saviour's Throne;
The Storms they meet with by the Way,
But make his Power known.
7 Their Passage lies across the Brink
Of many a threat'ning Wave;
The World expects to see them sink,
But Jesus lives to save.
8 Lord, tho' we are but feeble Worms,
Yet since thy Word is past;
We'll venture thro' a thousand Storms,
To see thy Face at last.
Topics: Faith and Obedience Languages: English
Paul's Voyage