Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PCXXI (1758) First Line: I to those mountains lift mine eyes Lyrics: 1 I to those mountains lift mine eyes,
from whence must come mine aid:
2 Mine help must from JEHOVAH come,
who heav'n and earth has made.
3 He will not let thy foot be mov'd,
nor slumber who thee keeps:
4 Lo, He who keeps his Israel,
He slumbers not, nor sleeps.
5 The LORD thy keeper is; the LORD
thy shade on thy right hand:
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor moon by night offend.
7 JEHOVAH will preserve thy soul;
he'll keep thee from all ill:
8 Thy going out and coming in,
the LORD keep ever will. Scripture: Psalm 121 Languages: English
A Song of Degrees