Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.XXIX (1766) Lyrics: 1 "I lift my Banner, saith the Lord,
"Where Antichrist has stood;
"The city of my Gospel-Foes
"Shall be a Field of Blood.
2 "My Heart has studied just Revenge,
"And now the Day appears,
"The Day of my Redeem'd is come
"To wipe away their Tears.
3 "Quite weary is my Patience grown,
"And bids my Fury go;
"Swift as the Lightning it shall move,
"And be as Fatal too.
4 "I call for Helpers, but in vain;
"Then has my Gospel none?
"Well, mine own Arm has Might enough
"To crush my Foes alone.
5 "Slaughter and my devouring Sword
"Shall walk the Streets around,
"Babel shall reel beneath my Stroke,
"And stagger to the Ground."
6 Thy Honour, O victorious King,
Thine own Right Hand shall raise,
While we thy awful Vengeance sing,
And our Deliv'rer praise. Topics: Triumph of Christ over our Enemies; Anti-Christ His Ruin Scripture: Isaiah 63:4-7 Languages: English
I lift my Banner, saith the Lord