Author: Ernest G. W. Wesley Hymnal: The Service Hymnal #96 (1935) Lyrics: 1 How often do I wonder
That Christ would love me so;
But never can I answer
Why He such love should show.
It passeth understand,
Outreaching human thought,
That He, the Lord of glory,
My soul with blood hath bought.
2 Most wondrous condescension,
That Christ from heaven came;
That He, for man’s redemption,
Would suffer death and shame.
That Christ so loved transgressors
And shed His precious blood;
That He would die for sinners,
Among whom once I stood.
3 I wish I could remember—
But oh, how oft I fail—
The love which Jesus bears me,
When sins doth me assail.
That I might hate the sinning
Which nailed Him to the cross;
That I mighty love my Saviour,
For Him count all else loss.
4 I never would forget Him,
Nor darksome Calvary;
Forever would I love Him,
Who chose to die for me.
O help me, blessed Saviour,
To keep Thy cross in view;
Within Thy love e’er hide me,
And thus my love renew.
Languages: English Tune Title: [How often do I wonder]
How Often Do I Wonder