Author: N. J. Holm Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #50 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How blessed is the little flock,
Whom Jesus calls His own!
He is their Savior and their rock,
They trust in Him alone;
They walk by faith and hope and love,
But they shall dwell with Him above,
When hope and faith shall pass away,
And love shall last for aye.
2 Lord Jesus, am I in that band,
And wilt Thou call me Thine?
Do I among the chosen stand
Whose lamps so brightly shine?
O let me not lie down to rest,
Till this I know, my Savior blest,
Till I can say, by grace restored:
"Thou know'st I love Thee, Lord!"
3 And even if with tears it be,
That this to Thee I say,
Yet Thou in grace wilt look on me
And wipe my tears away;
Yea, when but Thou who all dost know
In me canst find Thy love below
And own me Thine, then well is me,--
My all I have in Thee. Topics: Close of Service; Worship in General Close of Service; Close of Service; Love to God and the Savior Tune Title: [How blessed is the little flock]
How blessed is the little flock