Author: Effie S. Black Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16370 Meter: D First Line: Holy Spirit, dwell in me, Lyrics:
1 Holy Spirit, dwell in me,
Teach my erring feet the way;
As I journey here below,
Guide me every day.
Show me what I ought to do,
Help me shun the wrong;
In this varied chain of life,
Make the weak link strong.
2 Holy Spirit, dwell in me,
Fill my soul with richest grace;
Let me all the beauty see
In my Savior’s face
Till at last His life shall be
Mirrored in my own,
And the likeness God can see
To His own dear Son.
3 Holy Spirit, dwell in me,
Till life’s night has passed away;
Then with rapture I shall wake
In eternal day.
I shall dwell with Christ my Lord
In our heav’nly home,
And He will present me then,
Faultless at the throne.
Languages: English Tune Title: SCWERIN
Holy Spirit, Dwell In Me