Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.CLXVII (1766) Lyrics: 1 Great God! thy Glories shall employ
My holy Fear, my humble Joy;
My Lips in Songs of Honour bring
Their Tribute to th' Eternal King.
[2 Earth and the Stars, and Worlds unknown,
Depend precarious on his Throne;
All Nature hangs upon his Word,
And Grace and Glory own their Lord.]
[3 His sov'reign Pow'r what Mortal knows?
If be command, who dares oppose?
With Strength he girds himself around,
And treads the Rebels to the Ground.]
[4 Who shall pretend to teach him Skill,
Or guide the Counsels of his Will?
His Wisdom, like a Sea divine,
Flows deep and high beyond our Line.]
[5 His Name is Holy, and his Eye
Burns with immortal Jealousy;
He hates the Sons of Pride, and sheds
His fiery Vengeance on their Heads.]
[6 The Beamings of his piercing Sight
Bring dark Hypocrisy to Light;
Death and Destruction naked lie,
And Hell uncover'd to his Eye.]
[7 Th' eternal Kaw before him stands;
His Justice, with impartial Hands,
Divides to all their due Reward,
Or by the Sceptre. or the Wword.]
[8 His Mercy, like a boundless Sea,
Washes our Load of Guilt away;
While his own Son came down and dy'd
T' engage his Justice on our Side.]
[9 Each of his Words demands my Faith,
My Soul can rest on all he saith;
His Truth inviolably keeps
The largest Promise of his Lips.]
10 Oh, tell me, with a gentle Voice,
Thou art my God, and I'll rejoice!
Fill'd with thy Love, I dare proclaim
The brightest Honours of thy Name. Topics: Divine Perfections Languages: English
Great God, thy Glories shall employ