Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #169 (1732) Lyrics: I. God, the Lord of the Creation,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Night and Day, in Separation,
Sun and Moon thy Glory boast.
All Things in the Universe
Thy preserving Grace rehearse.
II. Lord! to thee my Praise and Prayer
Are directed from my Heart;
'Tis thou sil'st my Soul's Betrayer,
And preserv'st me from his Art;
So that his ensnaring Train,
By thy Grace, is laid in vain.
III. Let the Night of my Transgression
With the Darkness pass away
JESU! into thy Possession
I resign my self to Day.
In thy Wounds I find Relief
For my greastest Sin and Grief.
IV. Grant, that free I rise this Morning
From the Lethargy of Sin;
That my Soul, through thy adorning,
Be all glorious within;
And that at the Judgment-Day
I be not a Cast-away.
V. Let my Life and Conversation
Be directed by thy Word;
Lord! thy constant Preservation
To thy erring Child afford.
No where but alone in thee
From all harm I can be free.
VI. Lord! my Body, Soul and Spirit,
Keep in thine Almighty Hand:
By thy All sufficient Merit,
Make me follow thy Command.
Oh! my Glory and Renown,
Fit me for th'eternal Crown.
VII. To they Angels' keeping give me,
To direct my erring Feet;
And, when Satan would deceive me,
Disappoint the hellish Cheat.
Bring at last my Soul to Rest,
Where thou reign'st among the Blest.
VIII. Hear my humble Supplication,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
With sincerest Adoration
Thee I love, of Thee I boast.
O, I'll praise thy Grace to me
Here, and in Eternity. Topics: Morning Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [God, the Lord of the Creation]
God, the Lord of the Creation