Author: Esther Wiglesworth Hymnal: Revival Hymns #129 (1905) Lyrics: 1 God sets a still, small voice
Deep every soul within;
It guideth to the right,
And warneth us of sin.
2 If we that voice obey,
Clearer its tones will be
Till all God’s will for us
Clear as noonday we see.
3 If we that voice neglect,
Fainter will be its tone;
If still unheeded, it
Will leave us quite alone.
4 O grief, to be allowed
To go our own wild way;
Lord, hold Thy children back
Lest we so sadly stray!
5 And help us to attend
To Thy sweet voice divine;
Then, in the judgment day,
Own us, good Lord, as Thine. Tune Title: [God sets a still, small voice]
God sets a still, small voice