Hymnal: Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs #93 (1800) First Line: Go on, ye pilgrims, while below Lyrics: 1 Go on ye Pilgrims, while below,
In the sure paths of peace;
Determin'd nothing else to know,
But Jesus and his grace.
2 Observe your leader, follow him;
He through this world has been
Often revil'd, but like a lamb
Did ne'er revile again.
3 O take the pattern he has giv'n,
And love your enemies;
And learn the only way to heav'n,
Through self denial lies.
4 Remember you must watch and pray,
While journeying on the road;
Lest you should fall out by the way,
And wound the cause of God.
5 Contend for nothing but the fruit,
That feeds the immortal mind;
For fruitless leaves no more dispute,
But leave them to the wind.
6 Go on rejoicing night and day,
Your crown is yet before;
Defy the trials of your way,
The storm will soon be o'er.
7 Then you shall reach the promis'd land,
With all the ransom'd race,
And join with all the glorious band,
To sing redeeming grace. Languages: English
A Crumb for Pilgrims