Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #102 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Glory to God! who reigns above,
Who dwells in light, whose name is love
Ye saints and angels, if ye can,
Declare the love of God to man.
2 O what can more his love commend,
His dear, his only Son to send!
That man, condemn'd to die, might live,
And God be glorious to forgive!
3 Messiah's come--with joy behold
The days by prophets long foretold:
Judah, thy royal sceptre's broke;
And time still proves what Jacob spoke.
4 Daniel, thy weeks are all expir'd,--
The time prophetic seals requir'd;
Cut off for sins, but not his own,
Thy Prince, Messiah, did atone.
5 We see the prophecies fulfill'd
In Jesus, that most wondrous child:
His birth, his life, his death, combine
To prove his character divine. Topics: Christ Incarnation; Messiah Scripture: Haggai 5:6
Glory to God! who reigns above