Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #I.XLV (1758) Lyrics: 21 From ancient times I have declar'd,
I am JEHOVAH, GOD alone,
A righteous God, and Me besides
A saviour is, or can be none.
22 Then look to Me ye fainting souls,
In ev'ry place, in ev'ry land;
And ye shall joyfully receive
Salvation at my mighty hand.
23 For I am God, and none besides,
I even by My self have sworn
In righteousness: and now the word
Gone from my mouth, shall not return:
It is, 'that every knee to Me
'Shall bow, and ev'ry tongue shall swear,
24 'And say, that in the LORD alone
'My strength and righteousnesses are:
Yea all who feel their wretchedness
With humble joy shall come to Him:
But those who with Him are displeas'd,
Shall be distress'd with endless shame.
25 In Thee, JEHOVAH, Isr'els race,
All fully justify'd shall be;
In Thee shall triumph oe'r their foes,
And all be glorify'd in Thee. Scripture: Isaiah 45:21-25 Languages: English
From ancient times I have declared