Hymnal: Psalms and Hymns to the Living God #37 (2023) Meter: First Line: Fret not thyself, nor envious be Lyrics: 1 Fret not thyself, nor envious be,
when wicked workers thou shalt see,
who prosper in their way;
for like the grass they perish soon,
and, like the herb cut down at noon,
they wither in a day,
they wither in a day.
2 Trust in the LORD and still do well,
within the land securely dwell,
feed on His faithfulness;
delight thee also in the LORD,
and to thy heart He will accord
the good it would possess,
the good it would possess.
3 Yea, to the LORD thy way is known;
confide in Him who on the throne
abides in pow'r divine;
thy righteousness He shall display;
resplendent as the light of day,
it shall unclouded shine,
it shall unclouded shine.
4 Rest in the Lord and be thou still,
with patience wait His holy will,
enduring to the end.
Fret not tho' sinners’ gains increase;
forsake thy wrath, from anger cease;
it will to evil tend,
it will to evil tend.
5 Yea, thou shalt soon consider well
the place where they were wont to dwell,
and it shall not be found;
but saints shall all the land possess,
and find delight and happiness
where fruits of peace abound,
where fruits of peace abound.
6 He knows the days the perfect live,
to them a heritage will give
which ever shall abide;
in evil times no shame they know,
and in the days of famine's woe
they shall be satisfied,
they shall be satisfied.
7 The good man's steps are led aright,
his way is pleasing in GOD's sight,
established it shall stand;
he shall not perish though he fall,
the mighty LORD who rules o'er all
upholds him with His hand,
upholds him with His hand.
8 Though I am old who young have been,
no saint have I forsaken seen,
nor yet his home in need;
he ever lends in gracious ways,
his life true charity displays,
his sons are blest indeed,
his sons are blest indeed. Topics: Instruction Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English Tune Title: ARIEL
Fret Not Thyself