Author: Ella E. Miles Hymnal: The Golden Sheaf #93 (1902) First Line: Fill us with thy Holy Spirit Refrain First Line: Fill us now with thy Spirit Lyrics: 1 Fill us with thy Holy Spirit,
Let it dwell within our breast;
Let its blessed presence ever
Be out heart's abiding guest.
Fill us now with thy Spirit,
May it dwell within our heart;
May its blessed presence ever
Stay, and nevermore depart.
2 Fill us with thy Holy Spirit,
Cleanse us from each guilty stain;
For desires or thoughts unholy
Let no place within remain. [Chorus]
3 Fill us with thy Holy Spirit,
May we heed its tender voice;
Guided by its gentlest whisper,
Lord, thy will shall be our choice. [Chorus]
4 Fill us with thy Holy Spirit,
May its wondrous power divine
Change our inmost heart's affections,
Make us, Saviour, wholly thine. [Chorus]
Tune Title: [Fill us with thy Holy Spirit]
Fill Us Now