Hymnal: The Psalms of David #III.XXIV (1766) Lyrics: 1 Father, we wait to feel thy Grace,
To see thy Glories shine;
The Lord will his own Table bless,
And make the Feast Divine.
2 We touch, we taste the heav'nly Bread,
We drink the sacred Cup;
With outward Forms our Sense is fed,
Our Souls rejoice in Hope.
3 We shall appear before the Throne
Of our forgiving God,
Dress'd in the Garments of his Son,
And sprinkled with his Blood.
4 We shall be strong to run the Race,
And climb the upper Sky;
Christ will provide our Souls with Grace,
He bought a large Supply.
[5 Let us indulge a chearful Frame,
For Joy becomes a Feast;
We love the Mem'ry of his Name
More than the Wine we taste.] Topics: Pardon and Strength from Christ; Grace in Exercise Languages: English
Father, we wait to feel thy gGace