Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXI (1791) Lyrics: 1 Dear Lord, how wond'rous is thy Love
To such unworthy Worms as we!
Thou hast sent down the heav'nly Dove,
To set our Souls at Liberty.
2 We that were doom'd to Woe and Pain,
Expos'd to Death of ev'ry kind,
Thro' Jesus Christ, the Lamb once slain,
Do Life, and Peace, and Pardon find.
3 Shall we forget our Saviour's Grace,
Who dy'd to save our Guilty Souls,
And bring us to his Father's Face,
Where endless Peace and Pleasure rolls?
4 Forbid, O Lord, each wand'ring Thought,
May Christ be all in our Esteem;
Let earthly Things be all forgot,
And counted Loss, compar'd with him.
5 Lord Jesus, make us bear in Mind,
Thy rich thy pure redeeming Love,
Till we shall be for ever join'd
With those that sing thy Praise above.
6 Then shall we stand before thy Face,
And Shout with all the Ransom'd Throng;
Our Cry shall be "Free Grace, Free Grace,"
While endless Ages roll along.
Topics: Wonders of Redeeming Love Languages: English
Dear Lord, how wond'rous is thy Love