Hymnal: The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the Most Approved Authors #CCLXXIV (1799) First Line: Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy seat Lyrics: 1 Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy seat,
Sprinkled with blood, where Jesus answers pray'r;
There humbly cast thyself beneath his feet,
For never needy sinner perish'd there.
2 Lord, I am come! thy promise is my plea,
Without thy word I durst not venture nigh;
But thou hast call'd the burden'd soul to thee,
A weary burden'd soul, O Lord, amd I!
3 Bow'd down beneath a heavy load of sin,
By Satan's fierce temptations sorely prest,
Beset without, and full of fears within,
Trembling and faint I come to thee for rest.
4 Be thou my refuge, Lord, my hiding-place,
I know no force can tear me from thy side;
Unmov'd I then may all accusers face,
And answer ev'ry charge, with "Jesus dy'd."
5 Yes! thou didst weep, and bleed, and groan and die!
Well hast thou known what fierce temptation means,
Such was my love! and now enthron'd on high,
The same compassion in thy bosom reigns.
6 Lord, give me faith--he hears! what grace is this!
Dry up thy tears, my soul, and cease to grieve;
He shows me what he did, and who he is,
I must, I will, I can, I do believe.
Topics: Penitent Pleading for mercy; Penitent Returning Languages: English
The humble sinner trusting in Christ