Hymnal: Appendix, Containing a Number of Hymns, Taken Chiefly from Dr. Watts's Scripture Collection #LXXI (1760) Lyrics: 1 Can Creatures to Perfection find
Th' eternal, uncreated Mind;
Or can the largest Stretch of Thought
Measure and search his Nature out!
2 'Tis high as Heav'n, 'tis deep as Hell
And what can mortals know or tell?
His Glory spreads beyond the Sky,
And all the shining Worlds on high.
3 But Man, vain Man, would fain be wise;
Born like a wild young Colt, he flies
Thro' all the Follies of his Mind,
And smells, and snuffs the empty Wind.
4 God is a King of Power unknown,
Firm are the Orders of his Throne;
If He resolve, who dares oppose,
Or ask Him why or what He does!
5 He wounds the Heart, and He makes whole;
He calms the Tempest of the Soul
When He shuts up in long Despair,
Who can remove the heavy Bar?
6 He frowns, and Darkness veils the Moon,
The fainting Sun grows dim at Noon;
The Pillars of Heav'n's starry Roof
Tremble and start at his Reproof.
7 He gave the vaulted Heav'n its Form,
The crooked serpent, and the Worm;
He breaks the Billows with his Breath,
And smites the Sons of Pride to Death.
8 These are a Portion of his Ways;
But who shall dare describe his Face?
Who can endure his Light? or stand
To hear the Thunders of his Hand? Scripture: Job 11:7-9 Languages: English
Can Creatures to Perfection find