Hymnal: The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the Most Approved Authors #CXCIV (1799) Meter: First Line: Bless'd Martha love and joy express'd Lyrics: 1 Bless'd Martha love and joy express'd,
To entertain her heav'nly guest;
While Mary, ravish'd with her Lord,
Sat at his feet, and heard his word.
2 True love divine, in both the same,
Let each to glorify his name;
Each met her Lord with joyful heart,
"But Mary chose the better part."
3 While one prepar'd her earthly bread,
The other wanted to be fed;
One toil'd with care to spread a feast,
The other lean'd on Jesu's breast.
4 Both met the favor of their Lord,
His grace for each prepar'd a word;
While Mary drank full draughts of love,
Grace, careful Martha, did reprove.
5 Thus Christians with the world are vex'd,
Oft are encumber'd and perplex'd;
Vain tribes so engross their thought,
The one thing needful is forgot.
6 Teach us, dear Lord, that part to choose,
Which through thy grace we ne'er shall lose;
Then could we call the world our own,
We'd leave it all to see thy throne.
Topics: World Danger of missing Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 Languages: English
Chrstians endangered by the cares of the world