Author: William B. O. Peabody Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10406 Meter: Lyrics: 1 As once the Savior rose on high,
When murderers bore Him to His doom,
So all that live and all that die
Shall break the dungeons of the tomb.
2 And when again He walks the skies,
When rolling clouds His path surround,
The nations of the dead shall rise
At the deep stirring trumpet’s sound.
3 The Father of our erring race
Shall give the judgment to the Son,
And spread the books before His face,
Remembering all that they have done.
4 Then all whose days were passed in sin,
Who turned from Heaven with guilty heart,
When God would fain have led them in,
Shall hear the awful word, "Depart."
5 But if I keep my God in view,
In all I think, and all I do,
Then when my Savior wakes the dead,
His own right hand shall crown my head.
Languages: English Tune Title: RUSSIA
As Once The Savior Rose On High