Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #202 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 And will the Lord thus condescend
To visit sinful worms?
Thus at the door shall mercy stand
In all her winning forms?
2 Surprising grace!--and shall my heart
Unmov'd and cold remain?
Has this hard rock no tender part?
Must mercy please in vain?
3 Shall Jesus for admission sue--
His charming voice unheard?
And this vile heart, his rightful due,
Remain for ever barr'd?
4 'Tis sin, alas, with tyrant pow'r,
The lodging has possest;
And crowds of traitors bar the door
Against the heav'nly guest.
5 Ye dang'rous inmates, hence depart:
Dear Saviour, enter in,
And guard the passage to my heart,
And keep out every sin. Topics: Holy Spirit From the love of Christ
And will the Lord thus condescend