Author: J. C. Jacobi Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #110 (1732) First Line: Alone in God put thou thy trust Lyrics: I. Alone in God put thou thy Trust:
Who trusts in Man, depends on Dust.
There's None but God to's Promise just.
The Old Simplicity is lost.
II. Beware of Losing thy good Name,
Fro Credit's of a tender Frame:
By Pain and Labour 'tis achiev'd;
Once lost, can seldom be retriev'd.
III. Chatting avoid, but rather hear,
Wilt thou with any Grace appear.
Grave Silence meets with sure Respect;
But Prating always with Neglect.
IV. Despise thy self; respect the Great,
T'avoid their Wrath and thy Defeat;
Wilt thou find Comfort in Distress?
The Meanest treat with Gentleness.
V. Expel all haughty Thoughts, and flee
Those Scandals of Prosperity.
The Lord thy Plenty doth bestow
To make thee great and humble too.
VI. Fear thou the Lord, and prize him more
Than radiant Gold and richest Oar:
Gold may be spent, but Godly Fear
Is a rich Store will ne'er impair.
VII. Give to the Lord with chearful Heart,
When God his Blessings doth impart;
Lest thou should'st meet the woful Fate,
Which CHRIST of DIVES did relate.
VII. Hast thou receiv'd a Benefit?
With Gratefulness thy self acquit.
Pity sincere do thou express
When thou se'est others in Distress.
IX. In Labour spend thy youthful Age;
That brings a goodly Heritage:
Hard Work's unfit for Silver-Hair,
When Weakness multiplies thy Care.
X. Kind be to All, yet trust but Few;
Pretended Friendship bid Adieu;
Think on the Word, found true of Old,
What glisters is not always Gold.
XI. Let no Disturbance seize thy Heart,
When frowning Fortune seems to thrwart:
A hard Beginning, when it ends,
Will make thee more than full Amends.
XII. Master thy Chol'ric Thoughts within;
Be angry, but commit no Sin;
For Wrath bespeaks thee Satan's Slave,
Who can't discern what's true of safe.
XIII. Ne'er be asham'd to live and learn,
If thou wilt mind thy main Concern:
Wise Men make ev'ry Place their HOme;
But Sluggards strave, where'er they come.
XIV. One Party hear, but thine Applause
Defer, till thou know'st th'other's Cause:
Be just, for Prejudice misguides;
There's often Faults on both the Sides.
XV. Pride dates its first Original
From Lucifer's and Adam's Fall:
Are Many lost by Wind and Tide?
More suffer Shipwreck by their Pride.
XVI. Quote Nothing, but what edifies;
A false Report soon grows and dies.
A Gentleman well bread and born,
Gives all he hears a loving Turn.
XVII. Rely in all thine Exigence
On thy Creator's Providence:
None is forsaken by the Lord,
Whose Life is guided by his Word.
XVIII. Short is thy Time; Tide stays for None;
The World's a Flash, that soon is gone.
Be not beguil'd with sensual Charms;
Thy Life's at Stake in Dinah's Arms.
XIX. Thou must continue doing Good;
But still expect to be withstood:
What Action know'st thou ever done,
Which was approv'd by Ev'ry one.
XX. Upon no Riches set thy Heart,
Lest it shou'd break, if they depart:
That Man is wise, whose Heart is there,
Where never fading Treasures are.
XXI. Will Any one contend with thee?
Be rather mute than disagree.
One Contradiction raises Ten,
And they wilt end, you know not when.
XXII. Xerxes, relying on his Host,
Was baffled in his haughty Boast.
Art thou at War? rely on God,
Who bringeth Peace, and brings the Rod.
XXIII. Young thy Creator learn to fear,
Wilt thou thy Course most wisely steer.
Thy future Harvest will be seen,
Such as thy Life and Seed have been.
XXIV. Zeal for thy God prolongs thy Days.
Be circumspect in all thy Ways.
Things done without a wise Forecast
Have ruin'd Multitudes at last. Languages: English
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