Author: Christian Gregor, 1723-1801; August Gottlied Spangenberg, 1704-1792; Matthew Hehl, 1704-1787 Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #209 (1969) Lyrics: 1 All the bliss which we possess
Is derived from Jesus’ Cross;
He to God hath by His blood
Reconciled and saved us;
Now His righteousness is found
Our salvation’s only ground;
Hence all our felicity
Springs here and eternally.
2 We adore Thee evermore,
Jesus, for Thy boundless grace;
For Thy Cross, whereby for us
Thou hast gained true happiness;
For Thy death, which sets us free
From sin’s cruel slavery;
For Thine all-atoning blood,
Which hath brought us nigh to God.
3 Rise, exalt our Head and King;
Praise the Lord Who ever lives;
Glad we are His praise to sing;
He His people’s praise receives;
Grace supports us every day,
Leads us in the narrow way;
‘Tis through grace alone that we
Can obtain the victory. Topics: God the Son Praise and Adoration of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: GOUDIMEL
All the Bliss Which We Possess