Author: Grant Colfax Tullar Hymnal: The Kingdom of Praise #26 (1920) First Line: A glorious invitation now calls you Refrain First Line: The Spirit says come Lyrics: 1 A glorious invitation
Now calls you to the feast;
Each soul is now invited,
The greatest and the least.
Come, all ye heavy laden,
With sorrow or with care—
Today you are invited,
Your burdens Christ will bear.
The Spirit says come,
The Bride says come;
let him that heareth say come;
Let him that thirsteth come.
And whosoever will,
Let him take of the water of life freely.
2 That blessed invitation!
Oh, hear today and heed,
The Spirit now is calling,
Why longer dwell in need?
Thy soul today is fainting
For Christ the living bread;
Accept the invitation,
Come while the feast is spread. [Refrain]
3 Repeat the invitation!
Pass on blessed news;
let none forsake His mercy,
Or pardon now refuse,
‘Tis Jesus who is calling—
All things are ready, come!
The Spirit will direct you,
The Bride will welcome home. [Refrain] Tune Title: [A glorious invitation now calls you]
The Spirit and Bride say come