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Hymnal, Number:hpec1871

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All glory, laud, and honour

Appears in 603 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All glory, laud, and honour To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 2 Thou art the King of Israel, Thou David's royal Son, Who in the Lord's Name comest, The King and Blessèd One. All glory laud, and honour To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 3 The company of angels Are praising Thee on high; And mortal men, and all things Created, make reply. All glory laud, and honour, To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 4 The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went: Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory laud, and honour, To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 5 To Thee before Thy passion They sang their hymns of praise: To Thee, now high exalted, Our melody we raise. All glory laud, and honour, To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 6 Thou didst accept their praises; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. All glory laud, and honour, To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. Topics: Palm Sunday and Passion Week

All hail the power of Jesus' name!

Meter: Appears in 3,450 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All hail the power of Jesus' Name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God Who from His altar call; Extol the Stem of Jesse's rod, And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Hail Him, the Heir of David's line, Whom David, Lord did call; The God Incarnate! Man Divine! And crown Him Lord of all! 4 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransomed of the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown him Lord of all. 5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall; Go, spread your trophies at His feet And crown him Lord of all. 6 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. 5 Babes, men, and sires, who know his love, Who feel your sin and thrall, Now join with all the hosts above, And crown him Lord of all. (Repeat last 2 lines) 6 Let every kindred, every tribe On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. (Repeat last 2 lines) 7 O that, with yonder sacred throng, We at his feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. (Repeat last 2 lines) Topics: The Christian Life Praise

Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord

Appears in 67 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord, With shield of faith and Spirit's sword; Forth to the battle may they go, And boldly fight against the foe, With banner of the Cross unfurl'd, And by it overcome the world; And so at last receive from Thee The palm and crown of victory. 2 Come, ever-blessèd Spirit, come, And make Thy servant's hearts Thy home; May each a living temple be, Hallow'd for ever, Lord, to Thee, Enrich that temple's holy shrine With seven-fold gifts of grace divine; With wisdom, light, and knowledge bless, Strength, counsel, fear, and godliness. Topics: Offices of the Church Confirmation

Art thou weary, art thou languid

Meter: Appears in 643 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Art thou weary, art thou languid, Art thou sore distress'd? “Come to Me,” saith One, “and coming, Be at rest!” 2 Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my Guide? “In His feet and hands are wound-prints, And His side.” 3 Is there diadem, as Monarch, That His brow adorns? 6 “Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns.” 4 If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? “Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear.” 5 If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? “Sorrow vanquish'd, labour ended, Jordan pass'd” 6 If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay? “Not till earth, and not till Heaven Pass away.” 7 Finding, following, keeping, struggling, Is He sure to bless? “Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs,, Answer, Yes.” Topics: Miscellaneous

As now the sun's declining rays

Meter: Appears in 57 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As now the sun's declining rays Towards the eve descend, E'en so our years are sinking down To their appointed end. 2 Lord, on the Cross Thine arms were stretch'd, To draw Thy people nigh; O grant us then that Cross to love, And in those arms to die. 3 To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Ghost, All glory be from saints on earth, And from the angel host. Topics: The Seven Hours Sunset

As pants the hart for cooling streams

Meter: Appears in 323 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As pants the hart for cooling streams, When heated in the chase; So longs my soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace. 2 For Thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine; O when shall I behold Thy face, Thou Majesty divine? 3 Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Trust God; Who will employ His aid for thee, and change these sighs To thankful hymns of joy. 4 God of my strength, how long shall I, Like one forgotten, mourn, Forlorn, forsaken, and exposed To my oppressor's scorn? 5 My heart is pierced, as with a sword, While thus my foes upbraid: "Vain boaster, where is now thy God? And where His promised aid?" 6 Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Hope still' and thou shalt sing The praise of Him Who is thy God, Thy health's eternal spring.

As pants the wearied hart for cooling springs

Appears in 68 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As pants the wearied hart for cooling springs, That sinks exhausted in the summer's chase, So pants my soul for Thee, great King of kings, So thirsts to reach Thy sacred dwelling place. 2 Lord, Thy sure mercies, ever in my sight, My heart shall gladden through the tedious day; And 'midst the dark and gloomy shades of night, To Thee, my God, I'll tune the grateful lay. 3 Why faint, my soul? why doubt Jehovah's aid? Thy God, the God of mercy, still shall prove; Within His courts thy thanks shall yet be paid: Unquestion'd be His faithfulness and love. Topics: The Lord's Day and Public Worship

As when the weary traveller gains

Meter: Appears in 205 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As, when the weary traveller gains The height of some commanding hill, His heart revives, if o'er the plains He sees his home, though distant still; 2 Thus, when the Christian pilgrim views By faith his mansion in the skies, The sight his fainting strength renews, And wings his speed to reach the prize. 3 The thought of home his spirit cheers; No more he grieves for troubles past; Nor any future trial fears, So he may save arrive at last. 4 Jesus, on Thee our hopes we stay, To lead us on to thine abode; Assured our home will make amends For all our toil while on the road.

As with gladness men of old

Appears in 641 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold; As with joy they hail'd its light, Leading onward, beaming bright; So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to Thee. 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him Whom heaven and earth adore; So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. 3 As they offer'd gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King. 4 Holy Jesu, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransom'd souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. 5 In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down; There for ever may we sing Hallelujahs to our King.

Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!

Meter: Appears in 1,063 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Asleep in Jesus! blessèd sleep! From which none ever wakes to weep; A calm and undisturb'd repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus! Oh, how sweet To be for such a slumber meet; With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its painful sting! 3 Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest! Whose waking is supremely blest; No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour That manifests the Saviour's power. 4 Asleep in Jesus! Oh, for me May such a blissful refuge be! Securely shall my ashes lie, Waiting the summons from on high. 5 Asleep in Jesus! far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may be; But there is still a blessèd sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep.


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