Hymnal: SPHP1790 #CCCXXXVI (1790) First Line: Ah! what can I do, Or how be secure Lyrics: 1 Ah! what can I do,
Or how be secure
If justice pursue,
What heart can endure?
When God speaks in Thunder,
And makes himself known,
The heart breaks asunder,
Tho' harder then stone?
2 With terror I read
My sin's heavy score
Their number exceeds
The sands on the shore
Guilt makes me unable
To stand or to flee;
So Cain murder'd Abel,
And trembled like me.
3 Each sin, like his blood,
With terrible cry
Calls loud upon God,
To strike from on high,
Nor can my repentance,
Extended by fear
Reverse the just sentence,
'Tis just tho' severe.
4 The case is too plain,
I have my own choice,
Again and again
I slighted his voice,
His warnings neglected,
His patience abus'd,
His gospel rejected,
His mercy refus'd.
5 And must I then go
Forever to dwell
In mis'ry and woe
With devils in hell!
O where is the Saviour
I scorn'd in times past?
His word in my favour
Would save me at last.
6 Lord Jesus! on thee
I venter to call,
O look upon me
The vilest of all;
For whom didst thou languish
And bled on the tree?
O pity my anguish,
And say, "'twas for thee."
7 A cause such as mine
Will honour thy pow'r,
And hell will repine,
All Heav'n adore,
If in condemnation
Strict justice takes place,
It shines in salvation,
More glor'ous thro' grace.
Languages: English
The Burden'd Sinner