Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.III (1766) Lyrics: 1 Behold, the Grace appears,
The Promise is fulfill'd;
Mary, the Wond'rous Virgin bears,
And Jesus is the Child.
[2 The Lord, the Highest God,
Calls him his only Son;
He bids Him rule the Lands abroad,
And gives him David's Throne.
3 O'er Jacob shall he reign
With a peculiar Sway;
The Nations shall his Grace obtain,
His Kingdom ne'er decay.]
4 To bring the glorious News,
A heavenly Form appears;
He tells the Shepherds of their Joys,
And banishes their Fears.
5 Go, humble Swains, said he,
To David's City fly,
The promis'd Infant, born To day
Doth in a Manger lie.
6 With Looks and Hearts serene,
Go visit Christ your King;
And strait a flaming Troop was seen:
The Shepherds heard them sing.
7 Glory to God on High,
And heav'nly Peace on Earth,
Good Will to Men, to Angels Joy,
At the Redeemer's Birth.
[8 In Worship so divine,
Let Saints employ their Tongues;
With the Celestial Host we join,
And loud repeat their Songs.
9 Glory to God on High,
And heav'nly Peace on Earth,
Good Will to Men, to Angels Joy,
At our Redeemer's Birth.] Topics: Incarnation of Christ; Christ His Kingdom among Men; Nativity of Christ; Sanctification, Justification and Glory; Song of the Angels Scripture: Luke 1:30-38 Languages: English
Behold the Grace appears