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Hymnal, Number:pdil1766

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Behold the Glories of the Lamb

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.I (1766) Lyrics: 1 Behold the Glories of the Lamb Amidst his Father’s Throne; Prepare new Honours for his Name, And Songs before unknown. 2 Let Elders worship at his Feet, The Church adore around, With Vials full of Odours sweet, And Harps of sweetest Sound. 3 Those are the Prayers of the Saints, And these the Hymns they raise: Jesus is kind to our Complaints, He loves to hear our Praise. [4 Eternal Father, who shall look Into thy secret Will? Who but the son should take that Book, And open ev'ry Seal? 5 He shall fulfil thy great Decrees, The Son deserves it well; Lo, in his Head the Sov'reign Keys Of Heav'n, and Death,and Hell.] 6 Now to the Lamb that once was slain, Be endless Blessings paid; Salvation, Glory, Joy remain For ever on thy Head. 7 Thou hast redeem'd our Souls with Blood, Hast set the Pris’ners free, Hast made us Kings and Priests to God, And we shall reign with Thee. 8 The Worlds of Nature and of Grace Are put beneath thy Pow'r; Then shorten these delaying Days, And bring the promis'd Hour. Topics: Christ His Suffering and Glory; Christ Humiliation and Exaltation; Christ The Lamb of God that was slain; Prayer and Praise; Providence executed by Christ Scripture: Revelation 5:6-12 Languages: English
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E'er the blue Heav'ns were stretch'd abroad

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.II (1766) Lyrics: 1 E'er the blue Heav'ns were stretch'd abroad, From Everlasting was the Word; With God he was; the Word was God, And must divinely be ador'd. 2 By his own Pow'r were all Things made; By him supported all Things stand; He is the whole Creation's Head, And Angels fly at his Command. 3 E'er Sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the Host of Morning-Stars; (Thy Generation who can tell, Or count the Numbers of thy Years?) 4 But lo, he leaves those Heav'nly Forms, The Word descends and dwells in Clay, That he may hold Converse with Worms, Drest in such feeble Flesh as they. 5 Mortals with Joy beheld his Face, Th' Eternal Father's only Son; How full of Truth! how full of Grace! When thro' his Eyes the Godhead shone! 6 Arch-Angels leave their high Abode, To learn new Myst'ries here, and tell The Loves of our descending God, The Glories of EMANUEL. Topics: Christ His Human and Divine Nature; Christ His Eternity; Communion with Christ and Saints; Deity of Christ; Incarnation of Christ; Nativity of Christ; Humanity of Christ Scripture: John 1:1 Languages: English
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Behold the Grace appears

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.III (1766) Lyrics: 1 Behold, the Grace appears, The Promise is fulfill'd; Mary, the Wond'rous Virgin bears, And Jesus is the Child. [2 The Lord, the Highest God, Calls him his only Son; He bids Him rule the Lands abroad, And gives him David's Throne. 3 O'er Jacob shall he reign With a peculiar Sway; The Nations shall his Grace obtain, His Kingdom ne'er decay.] 4 To bring the glorious News, A heavenly Form appears; He tells the Shepherds of their Joys, And banishes their Fears. 5 Go, humble Swains, said he, To David's City fly, The promis'd Infant, born To day Doth in a Manger lie. 6 With Looks and Hearts serene, Go visit Christ your King; And strait a flaming Troop was seen: The Shepherds heard them sing. 7 Glory to God on High, And heav'nly Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men, to Angels Joy, At the Redeemer's Birth. [8 In Worship so divine, Let Saints employ their Tongues; With the Celestial Host we join, And loud repeat their Songs. 9 Glory to God on High, And heav'nly Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men, to Angels Joy, At our Redeemer's Birth.] Topics: Incarnation of Christ; Christ His Kingdom among Men; Nativity of Christ; Sanctification, Justification and Glory; Song of the Angels Scripture: Luke 1:30-38 Languages: English
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Naked as from the Earth we came

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.V (1766) Lyrics: 1 Naked, as from the Earth we came, And crept to Life at first, We to the Earth return again, And mingle with our Dust. 2 The dear Delights we here enjoy, And fondly call our own, Are but short Favours borrow'd Now, To be repaid Anon. 3 'Tis God that lifts our Comforts high, Or sinks them in the Grave, He gives, and (blessed by his Name) He takes but what he gave. 4 Peace, all our angry Passions, then Let each rebellious Sigh Be silent at his Sov'reign Will, And ev'ry Murmur die. 5 If smiling Mercy crown our Lives, Its Praises shall be spread, And we'll adore the Justice too That strikes our Comforts dead. Topics: Submission to Afflictions; Prosperity and Adversity; Patience under Afflictions; Justification and Glory Scripture: Job 1:21 Languages: English
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Great God, I own thy Sentence just

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.VI (1766) Lyrics: 1 Great God, I own thy Sentence just, And Nature must decay, I yield my Body to the Dust, To dwell with Fellow-Clay. 2 Yet Faith may Triumph o'er the Grave, And Trample on the Tombs: My Jesus, my Redeemer lives, My God, my Saviour comes. 3 The mighty Conqu'ror shall appear High on a Royal Seat, And Death, the last of all his Foes, Lie vanquish'd at his Feet. 4 Though greedy Worms devour my Skin, And gnaw my wasting Flesh, When God shall build my Bones again, He clothes 'em all afresh: 5 Then shall I see thy lovely Face With strong immortal Eyes, And feast upon thy unknown Grace With Pleasure and Surprize. Topics: Triumph over Death; Resurrection Scripture: Job 19:25-27 Languages: English
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How honourable is the Place

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.VIII (1766) Lyrics: 1 How honourable is the Place, Where we adoring stand, Sion, the Glory of the Earth, And Beauty of the Land! 2 Bulwarks of mighty Grace defend The City where we dwell; The Walls, of strong Salvation made, Defy th' Assaults of Hell. 3 Lift up the everlasting Gates, The Doors wide open fling; Enter ye Nations that obey The statutes of our King. 4 Here shall you taste unmingled Joys, And live in perfect Peace; You that have known JEHOVAH's Name, And ventur'd on his Grace. 5 Trust in the Lord, for ever trust, And banish all your Fears; Strength in the Lord JEHOVAH dwells; eternal as his Years. 6 What though the Rebels dwell on high, His Arm shall bring them low; Low and the Caverns of the Grave, Their lofty Head shall bow. 7 On Babylon our Feet shall tread, In that rejoicing Hour; The Ruins of her Walls shall spread A Pavement for the Poor. Topics: Christ our Shepherd; Protection of the Church; Safety of the Church Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-6 Languages: English
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In vain we lavish out our Lives

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.IX (1766) Lyrics: 1 In vain we lavish out our Lives To gather empty Wind, The choicest Blessings Earth can yield Will starve a hungry Mind. 2 Come, and the Lord shall feed our Souls With more substantial Meat; With such as Saints in Glory love, With such as Angels eat. 3 Our God will ev'ry Want supply, And fill our Hearts with Peace; He gives by Cov'nant and by Oath The Riches of his Grace. 4 Come, and he'll cleanse our spotted Souls, And wash away our Stains In the dear Fountain that his Son Pour'd from his dying Veins. 5 Our Guilt shall vanish all away, Though black as Hell before; Our Sins shall sink beneath the Sea, And shall be found no more. 6 And lest Pollution should o'erspread Our inward Pow'rs again, His Spirit shall bedew our Souls, Like purifying Rain.] 7 Our Heart, that flinty stubborn Thing, That Terrors cannot move, That fears no Threatnings of his Wrath, Shall be dissolv'd by Love. 8 Or He can take the Flint away, That would not be refin'd. And from the Treasures of his Grace Bestow a softer Mind. 9 There shall his sacred Spirit dwell, And deep engrave his Law, And ev'ry Motion of our Souls To swift Obedience draw. 10 Thus will he pour Salvation down, And we shall render Praise; We the dear People of his Love, And he our God of Grace. Topics: Covenant of Grace; Promise of Grace; Pardon and Sanctification by Faith Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 Languages: English
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How beauteous are their Feet

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.X (1766) Lyrics: 1 How beauteous are their Feet, Who stand on Sion's Hill, Who bring Salvation on their Tongues, And Words of Peace reveal! 2 How charming is their Voice! How sweet the Tidings are! "Sion behold thy Saviour King, "He reigns and triumphs here." 3 How happy are our Ears, That hear this joyful Sound, Which Kings and Prophets waited for, And sought, but never found! 4 How blessed are our Eyes, That see this Heav'nly Light; Prophets and Kings desir'd it long, But dy'd without the Sight! 5 The Watchmen join their Voice, And tuneful Notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth with Songs, And Desarts learn the Joy. 6 The Lord makes bare his Arm Through all the Earth abroad; Let ev'ry Nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. Topics: Christ revealed to Man; Christ revealed to Gentiles; Gospel Ministry; Word of God preached Scripture: Isaiah 5:2 Languages: English
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There was an Hour when Christ rejoic'd

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.XI (1766) Lyrics: 1 There was an Hour when Christ rejoic'd, And spoke his Joy in Words of Praise; "Father, I thank Thee, mighty God, "Lord of the Earth, and Heav'ns and Seas. 2 "I thank thy Sov'reign Pow'r and Love, "That crowns my Doctrine with Success; "And makes the Babes in Knowledge learn "The heights, & breadths, & lengths of Grace. 3 "But all this Glory lies conceal'd "From Men of Prudence and of Wit; "The Prince of Darkness blinds their Eyes, "And their own Pride resists the Light. 4 "Father, 'tis thus, because thy Will "Chose and ordain'd it should be so; "'Tis thy Delight t' abase the Proud, "And lay the haughty Scorner low. 5 "There's none can know the Father right, "But those who learn it from the Son, "Nor can the Son be well receiv'd, "But where the Father makes him known." 6 Then let our Souls adore our God, Who deals his Graces as he please; Nor gives to Mortals an Account Or of his Actions, or Decrees. Topics: Carnal Reason humbled; Christ revealed to Babes; Decrees of God; Distinguishing Love; Free election; Grace Freedom and Sovereignty; Saving Knowledge from God; Light Given to the Blind; Mysteries Revealed; Pride and Humility; Success of the Gospel Scripture: Luke 10:21-22 Languages: English
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Jesus the Man of constant Grief

Hymnal: PDIL1766 #I.XII (1766) Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the Man of constant Grief, A Mourner all his Days; His Spirit once rejoic'd aloud, And turn'd his Joy to Praise. 2 Father, I thank thy wond'rous Love, That hath reveal'd thy Son To Men unlearned; and to Babes Has made thy Gospel known. 3 The Myst'ries of redeeming Grace Are hidden from the Wise, While Pride and Carnal Reas'nings join To swell and blind their Eyes. 4 Thus doth the Lord of Heav'n and Earth His great Decrees fulfil, And orders all his Works of Grace By his own Sov'reign Will. Topics: Carnal Reason humbled; Christ revealed to Babes; Decrees of God; Distinguishing Love; Free election; Grace Freedom and Sovereignty; Saving Knowledge from God; Light Given to the Blind; Mysteries Revealed; Pride and Humility; Success of the Gospel Scripture: Luke 10:21 Languages: English


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