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After Three Days Thou Didst Rise

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: After three days Thou didst rise Visible to mortal eyes: First the Eleven worshipped Thee,— Then the rest in Galilee: Then a cloud in glory bore Thee to Thine own native shore. Boldly David poured the strain: GOD ascends to Heav’n again: With the trumpet’s pealing note Alleluias round Him float; As He now, by hard-won right, Seeks the Fount of purest Light! Crime on crime, and grief on grief, Left the world without relief: Now that aged, languid race, GOD hath quickened by His grace: As Thy going up we see, Glory to Thy Glory be! Darkness and awe, when Sinai’s top he trod, Taught him of faltering tongue the Law of GOD: The mist was scattered from his spirit’s eye, He praised and hymned the Maker of the sky, When He That is and was and shall be, passed by.
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O the Mystery, Passing Wonder

Author: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete(c. 660-732) Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: O the mystery, passing wonder, When, reclining at the board, “Eat,” Thou saidst to Thy Disciples, “That True Bread with quickening stored: “Drink in faith the healing Chalice “From a dying GOD outpoured.” Then the glorious upper chamber A celestial tent was made, When the bloodless rite was offered, And the soul’s true service paid, And the table of the feasters As an altar stood displayed. CHRIST is now our mighty pascha, Eaten for our mystic bread: Take we of His broken Body, Drink we of the Blood He shed, As a lamb led out to slaughter, And for this world offered. To the Twelve spake Truth eternal, To the Branches spake the Vine: “Never more from this day Shall I taste again this wine, Till I drink it in the kingdom Of My FATHER, and with Mine.” Thou hast stretched those hands for silver That had held the immortal Food; With the lips that late had tasted Of the Body and the Blood, Thou hast given the kiss, O Judas; Thou hast heard the woe bestowed. CHRIST to all the world gives banquet On that most celestial Meat: Him, albeit with lips all earthly, Yet with holy hearts we greet: Him, the sacrificial Pascha, Priest and Victim all complete.
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Whence Shall My Tears Begin?

Author: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete, c. 660-732 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: Whence shall my tears begin? What first-fruits shall I bear Of earnest sorrow for my sin? Or how my woes declare? O Thou! the Merciful and Gracious One Forgive the foul transgressions I have done. With Adam I have vied, Yea, passed him, in my fall; And I am naked now, by pride And lust made bare of all; Of Thee, O GOD, and that Celestial Band, And all the glory of the Promised Land. No earthly Eve beguiled My body into sin: A spiritual temptress smiled, Concupiscence within: Unbridled Passion grasped the unhallowed sweet: Most bitter—ever bitter—was the meat. If Adam’s righteous doom, Because he dared transgress Thy one decree, lost Eden’s bloom And Eden’s loveliness: What recompence, O LORD, must I expect, Who all my life Thy quickening laws neglect? By mine own act, like Cain, A murderer was I made: By mine own act my soul was slain, When Thou wast disobeyed: And lusts each day are quickened, warring still Against Thy grace with many a deed of ill. Thou formed’st me of clay, O Heav’nly Potter! Thou In fleshly vesture didst array, With life and breath endow. Thou Who didst make, didst ransom, and dost know To Thy repentant creature pity show! My guilt for vengeance cries; But yet Thou pardonest all, And whom Thou lov’st Thou dost chastise, And mourn’st for them that fall: Thou, as a Father, mark’st our tears and pain, And welcomest the prodigal again. I lie before Thy door, O turn me not away! Nor in mine old age give me o’er To Satan for a prey! But ere the end of life and term of grace, Thou Merciful! my many sins efface! The Priest beheld, and passed The way he had to go: A careless glance the Levite cast, And left me to my woe: But Thou, O JESU, Mary’s Son, console, Draw nigh, and succour me, and make me whole! Thou Spotless Lamb divine, Who takest sins away, Remove, remove, the load that mine Upon my conscience lay: And, of Thy tender mercy, grant Thou me To find remission of iniquity
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The Lord and King of All Things

Author: John Mason Neale; Anatolius Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: The LORD and King of all things But yesterday was born: And Stephen’s glorious offering His birthtide shall adorn. No pearls of orient splendour, No jewels can he show; But with his own true heart’s-blood His shining vestments glow. Come, ye that love the Martyrs, And pluck the flow’rs of song, And weave them in a garland For this our suppliant throng; And cry,—O thou that shinest In grace’s brighest ray, CHRIST’s valiant Protomartyr, For peace and favour pray! Thou first of all Confessors, Thou of all Deacons crown, Of every following athlete The glory and renown: Make supplication, standing Before CHRIST’s Royal Throne, That He would give the kingdom, And for our sins atone! Topics: Adam of St. Victor
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Adam's Complaint

Author: John Mason Neale; Theophanes Meter: Irregular Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: “The LORD My Maker, forming me of clay, By His own Breath, the breath of life conveyed: O’er all the bright new world He gave me sway, A little lower than the Angels made. But Satan, using for his guile The crafty serpent’s cruel wile, Deceived me by the Tree; And severed me from GOD and grace, And wrought me death, and all my race, As long as time shall be. O Lover of the sons of men! Forgive, and call me back again! “In that same hour I lost the glorious stole Of innocence, that GOD’s own Hands had made; And now, the tempter poisoning all my soul, I sit, in fig leaves and in skins arrayed: I sit condemned, distressed, forsaken; Must till the ground whence I was taken By labour’s daily sweat. But Thou, That shalt hereafter come, The Offspring of a Virgin-womb, Have pity on me yet! O turn on me those gracious eyes, And call me back to Paradise! “O glorious Paradise! O lovely clime! O GOD-built mansion! joy of every Saint! Happy remembrance to all coming time! Whisper, with all thy leaves, in cadence faint, One prayer to Him Who made them all, One prayer for Adam in his fall!— That He, Who formed thy gates of yore, Would bid those gates unfold once more That I had closed by sin: And let me taste that holy Tree That giveth immortality To them that dwell therein: Or have I fallen so far from grace That mercy hath for me no place?” Adam sat right against the Eastern gate, By many a storm of sad remembrance tossed; “O me! so ruined by the serpent’s hate! O me! so glorious once, and now so lost! So mad that bitter lot to choose! Beguiled of all I had to lose! Must I then, gladness of my eyes,— Must I then leave thee, Paradise, And as an exile go? And must I never cease to grieve How once my GOD, at cool of eve, Came down to walk below? O Merciful! on Thee I call: O Pitiful! forgive my fall!”
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Stars of the Morning

Author: John Mason Neale; Joseph of the Studium Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals Lyrics: Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright, Filled with celestial resplendence and light; These that, where night never followeth day, Raise the Trishagion ever and aye: These are Thy counsellors: these dost Thou own, GOD of Sabaoth! the nearest Thy throne; These are Thy ministers; these dost Thou send, Help of the helpless ones! man to defend. These keep the guard, amidst Salem’s dear bowers: Thrones, Principalities, Virtues, and Powers: Where with the Living Ones, mystical Four, Cherubin, Seraphin, bow and adore. “Who like the LORD?”—thunders Michael, the Chief: Raphael, “the Cure of GOD,” comforteth grief: And, as at Nazareth, prophet of peace, Gabriel, “the Light of GOD,” bringeth release. Then, when the earth was first poised in mid-space,— Then, when the planets first sped on their race,— Then, when were ended the six days’ employ,— Then all the sons of GOD shouted for joy. Still let them succour us; still let them fight, LORD of angelic hosts, battling for right! Till, where their anthems they ceaselessly pour, We with the Angels may bow and adore!
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Hither and With One Accord

Author: John Mason Neale; Theophanes Meter: 7.7 Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Hither, and with one accord, Sing the servants of the LORD: Sing each great ascetic sire;— Anthony shall lead the choir: Let Euthymius next him stand Then in order all the band. Make we joyous celebration Of their heavenly conversation; Of their glory, how they rise, Like another Paradise; These the trees our GOD hath placed, Trees, with fruit immortal graced; Bringing forth, for CHRIST on high, Flowers of Life that cannot die; With the sweetness that they fling Mortal spirits nourishing. Filled with GOD, and ever blest, For our pardon make request! Egypt, hail, thou faithful strand! Hail, thou holy Libyan land! Nurturing for the realm on high Such a glorious company! They by many a toil intense, Chastity and continence, Perfect men to GOD upreared, Stars to guide us have appeared; They, by many a glorious sign, Many a beam of Power Divine, To the earth’s remotest shore Far and wide their radiance pour. Holy Fathers, bright and blest, For our pardon make request! By what skill of mortal tongue Shall your wondrous acts be sung? All the conflicts of the soul, All your struggles towards the goal; And your virtues’ prize immense, And your victories over sense, How perpetual watch ye kept Over passion, prayed and wept; Yea, like very angels came, Visible in earthly frame, And with Satan girt for fight Utterly o’erthrew his might. Famed for signs and wonders rare, Join to ours, great Saints, your prayer: Ask that we, ye ever blest, May attain the Land of Rest!
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Jesus, Hastening for the World to Suffer

Author: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete, c. 660-732 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: Jesus, hastening for the world to suffer, Enters in, Jerusalem, to thee: With His Twelve He goeth forth to offer That free sacrifice He came to be. They that follow Him with true affection Stand prepared to suffer for His Name: Be we ready then for man’s rejection, For the mockery, the reproach, the shame. Now, in sorrow, sorrow finds its healing: In the form wherein our father fell, CHRIST appears, those quick’ning Wounds revealing, Which shall save from sin and death and hell. Now, Judaea, call thy Priesthood nigh thee! Now for Deicide prepare thy hands! Lo! thy Monarch, meek and gentle by thee! Lo! the Lamb and Shepherd in thee stands! To thy Monarch, Salem, give glad greeting! Willingly He hastens to be slain For the multitude His entrance meeting With their false Hosanna’s ceaseless strain. “Blest is He That comes,” they cry, “On the Cross for man to die!” Scripture: Luke 1:26-47

Yesterday, with exultation

Author: John Mason Neale; Adam of St. Victor Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: Yesterday, with exultation Joined the world in celebration Of her promised Saviour’s birth: Yesterday the Angel nation Poured the strains of jubilation O’er the Monarch born on earth. But today, o’er death victorious, By his faith and actions glorious, By his miracles renowned, Dared the Deacon Protomartyr Earthly life for Heav’n to barter, Faithful midst the faithless found. Forward, champion, in thy quarrel! Certain of a certain laurel, Holy Stephen, persevere! Perjured witnesses confounding, Satan’s Synagogue astounding By thy doctrine true and clear. Lo! in Heav’n thy Witness liveth; Bright and faithful proof He giveth Of His Martyr’s full success: Thou by name a Crown impliest; Meetly then in pangs thou diest For the Crown of Righteousness! For a crown that fadeth never, Bear the torturer’s brief endeavour, Victory waits to end the strife. Death shall be thy birth’s beginning, And life’s losing be the winning Of a true and better life. Whom the HOLY GHOST endueth, Whom celestial light imbueth, Stephen penetrates the skies: There GOD’s fullest glory viewing, There his victor strength renewing, For his near reward he sighs. See, as Jewish foes invade thee, See, how JESUS stands to aid thee: Stands, to guard His champion’s death! Cry that opened Heav’n is shown thee: Cry that JESUS waits to own thee: Cry it with thy latest breath! As the dying Martyr kneeleth, For his murderers he appealeth, And his prayer their pardon sealeth, For their madness grieving sore; Then to CHRIST he sleepeth sweetly, Who His pattern kept completely, And with CHRIST he reigneth meetly, Martyr first-fruits, evermore!
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Who From the Fiery Furnace Saved the Three

Author: John Mason Neale; John Damascene Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: Who from the fiery furnace saved the Three, Suffers as mortal; that, His Passion o’er, This mortal, triumphing o’er death, might be Vested with immortality once more: He Whom our fathers still confest GOD over all, for ever blest. The women with their ointment seek the Tomb: And Whom they mourned as dead, with many a tear, They worship now, joy dawning on their gloom, As Living GOD, as mystic Passover; Then to the LORD’s Disciples gave The tidings of the vanquished grave. We keep the festal of the death of death; Of hell overthrown: the first-fruits pure and bright, Of life eternal; and with joyous breath Praise Him that won the victory by His might: Him Whom our fathers still confest GOD over all, for ever blest. All hallowed festival, in splendour born! Night of salvation and of glory! Night Fore-heralding the Resurrection morn! When from the tomb the everlasting Light, A glorious frame once more his own, Upon the world in splendour shone.


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