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Hymnal, Number:helc1886

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All glory be to God on high

Author: N. Decius (?) Hymnal: HELC1886 #1 (1886) Lyrics: 1 All glory be to God on high, who hath our race befriended! To us no harm shall now come nigh, the strife at last is ended; God showeth His good will to men, And peace shall reign on earth again; O thank Him for His goodness! 2 We praise, we worship Thee, we trust, And give Thee thanks forever, O Father, that Thy rule is just, And wise, and changes never: Thy boundless power o'er all things reigns, Done is whate'er Thy will ordains; Well for us that Thou rulest! 3 O Jesus Christ, Thou only Son Of God, Thy heavenly Father, Who didst for all our sins atone And the lost sheep dost gather, Thou Lamb of God, to Thee on high From out our depths we sinners cry, Have mercy on us, Jesus! 4 O Holy Ghost, Thou precious Gift, Thou Comforter unfailing, O'er Satan's snares our souls uplift, And let Thy pow'r availing Avert our woes and calm our dread; For us the Saviour's blood was shed, We trust in Thee to save us! Topics: Worship Languages: English Tune Title: [All glory be to God on high]
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Abide, O dearest Jesus

Author: Dr. J. Stegmann Hymnal: HELC1886 #2 (1886) Lyrics: 1 Abide, O dearest Jesus, among us with Thy grace, that Satan may not harm us, nor we to sin give place. 2 Abide, O dear Redeemer, Among us with Thy Word, And thus now and hereafter True peace and joy afford. 3 Abide with heavenly brightness Among us, precious Light; Thy truth direct, and keep us From error's gloomy night. 4 Abide with richest blessings Among us, bounteous Lord; Let us in grace and wisdom Grow daily through Thy Word. 5 Abide with Thy protection Among us, Lord, our Strength, Lest world and Satan fell us, And overcome at length. 6 Abide, O faithful Saviour, Among us with Thy love; Grant steadfastness, and help us To reach our home above. Topics: Worship Languages: English Tune Title: [Abide, O dearest Jesus]
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Lord Jesus Christ, to us attend

Author: William II, Duke of Saxe-Weimar Hymnal: HELC1886 #3 (1886) Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, to us attend, Thy Holy Spirit to us send, with grace to rule us day by day, and lead us in true wisdom's way. 2 Unseal our lips to sing Thy praise, Our hearts in true devotion raise, Our faith increase, and grant us light, That we may know Thy Name aright; 3 Until we join the hosts that cry, "Holy art Thou, O Lord Most High!" And 'mid the light of that blest place Shall gaze upon Thee face to face. 4 Glory to God, the Father, Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One! To Thee, O Holy Trinity, Be praise throughout eternity! Topics: Worship Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord Jesus Christ, to us attend]
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Blessed Jesus, at Thy word

Author: T. Clausnitzer Hymnal: HELC1886 #4 (1886) Lyrics: 1 Blessed Jesus, at Thy word we are gathered all to hear Thee; Let our hearts and souls be stirred now to seek and love and fear Thee; By Thy teachings sweet and holy drawn from earth to love Thee solely. 2 All our knowledge, sense, and sight Lie in deepest darkness shrouded, Till Thy Spirit breaks our night With the beams of truth unclouded; Thou alone to God canst win us, Thou must work all good within us. 3 Glorious Lord, Thyself impart! Light of light, from God proceeding, Open Thou our ears and heart, Help us by Thy Spirit’s pleading, Hear the cry Thy people raises, Hear and bless our prayers and praises. 4 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Praise to Thee and adoration! Grant that we Thy Word may trust, And obtain true consolation, While we here below must wander, Till we sing Thy praises yonder. Topics: Worship Languages: English Tune Title: [Blessed Jesus, at Thy word]
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Now thank we all our God

Author: Mag. M. Rinkart Hymnal: HELC1886 #5 (1886) Lyrics: 1 Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things hath done, in whom His earth rejoices; who from our mother's arms hath blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today. 2 O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us; And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next. 3 All praise and thanks to God, The Father, now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven, The One eternal God, Whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore! Topics: Worship Languages: English Tune Title: [Now thank we all our God]
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To God, the Father of all love

Author: J. Schütz Hymnal: HELC1886 #6 (1886) Lyrics: 1 To God, the Father of all love, the God of earth and heaven, The mighty God who reigns above, be praise and glory given! With healing balm my soul He fills, And every pain and sorrow stills; To God all praise and glory! 2 The angel host, O King of kings, Thy praise forever telling, In earth and sky all living things Beneath Thy shadow dwelling, Adore and praise their Maker's might, Whose wisdom orders all things right; To God all praise and glory! 3 What God's almighty power hath made, His gracious mercy keepeth; By morning glow or evening shade His watchful eye ne'er sleepeth; Within the kingdom of His might, Lo, all is just and all is right; To God all praise and glory! 4 I cried to God in my distress, His mercy heard me calling; My Saviour saw my helplessness, And kept my feet from falling; For this, Lord, praise and thanks to Thee! Praise God Most High, praise God with me! To God all praise and glory! 5 The Lord forsaketh not His flock, His chosen generation; He is their refuge and their rock, Their peace and their salvation; And with a mother's watchful love He guides them wheresoe'er they rove; To God all praise and glory! 6 When earth can comfort us no more, Nor human help availeth, The Maker comes Himself, whose store Of blessing never faileth, And bends on them a Father's eyes Whom earth all rest and hope denies; To God all praise and glory! 7 Thus all my pilgrim way along I'll sing aloud Thy praises, That men may hear the grateful song My voice unwearied raises; Be joyful in the Lord, my heart! Both soul and body, bear your part! To God all praise and glory! 8 Ye who confess Christ's holy name, To God give praise and glory! Ye who the Father's power proclaim, To God give praise and glory! All idols under foot be trod, The Lord is God! The Lord is God! To God all praise and glory! 9 Then come before His presence now, And banish fear and sadness; To your Redeemer pay your vow, And sing with joy and gladness: Though great distress my soul befell, The Lord my God did all things well; To God all praise and glory! Topics: Worship Languages: English Tune Title: [To God, the Father of all love]
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O Lord, how shall I meet Thee

Author: P. Gerhardt Hymnal: HELC1886 #7 (1886) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, how shall I meet Thee, how welcome Thee aright? All nations long to greet Thee, My hope, my heart’s delight! O kindle, dearest Jesus, Thy lamp within my breast, That I may know what pleases Thee, Lord, my heavenly guest. 2 Thy Zion strews before Thee Green boughs and fairest palms, And I too will adore Thee With sweetest songs and psalms. My heart shall bloom forever For Thee with praises new, And from Thy name shall never Withhold the honor due. 3 What hast Thou left ungranted, To give me glad relief? When soul and body panted In utmost depth of grief, In deepest degradation, Devoid of joy and peace, Then Thou, my soul's Salvation, Didst come to bring release. 4 I lay in fetters groaning, Thou com’st to set me free; I stood, my shame bemoaning, Thou com’st to honor me; A glory Thou dost give me, A treasure safe on high, That will not fail nor leave me As earthly riches fly. 5 Naught, naught, dear Lord, could move Thee To leave Thy rightful place Save love, for which I love Thee; A love that could embrace A world where sorrow dwelleth, Which sin and suffering fill, More than the tongue e'er telleth;-- Yet Thou couldst love it still! 6 Rejoice, then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom, Who mourn o’er joys departed, And tremble at your doom: Despair not, He is near you, Yea, standing at the door, Who best can help and cheer you, And bid you weep no more. 7 No care, nor effort either, Is needed day or night, How ye may draw Him hither In your own strength and might. He comes, He comes with gladness, Moved by His love alone, To calm your fear and sadness, Which unto Him are known. 8 Sin's debt, that fearful burden, Let not your souls distress; Your guilt the Lord will pardon And cover with His grace. He comes, He comes procuring The peace of sin forgiven, For all God's son's securing Their part and lot in heaven. 9 Why should the wicked move you? Heed not their craft and spite! Your Saviour, who doth love you, Will scatter all their might. He comes, a King most glorious, And all His earthly foes In vain His course victorious Endeavor to oppose. 10 He comes to judge the nations, A terror to His foes, A Light of consolations And blessed hope to those Who love the Lord's appearing. O glorious Sun, now come, Send forth Thy beams so cheering, And guide us safely home! Topics: The Church Year Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, how shall I meet Thee]
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Let us all with gladsome voice

Author: U. Langhanns Hymnal: HELC1886 #8 (1886) Lyrics: 1 Let us all with gladsome voice praise the God of heaven, who to bid our hearts rejoice His own Son hath given. 2 To this vale of tears He comes, Here to serve in sadness, That with Him in heavens fair homes We may reign in gladness. 3 We are rich, for He was poor; Is not this a wonder? Therefore praise God evermore, Here on earth and yonder! 4 O Lord Christ, our Saviour dear, Be Thou ever near us. Grant us now a glad New Year; Amen, Jesus, hear us! Topics: The Church Year Languages: English Tune Title: [Let us all with gladsome voice]
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From heaven above to earth I come

Author: Dr. M. Luther Hymnal: HELC1886 #9 (1886) Lyrics: 1 From heaven above to earth I come to bear good news to ev'ry home; glad tidings of great joy I bring, whereof I now will say and sing. 2 To you this night is born a child Of Mary, chosen Virgin mild; This little child, of lowly birth, Shall be the joy of all the earth. 3 This is the Christ, our God and Lord, Who in all need shall aid afford; He will Himself your Saviour be, From all your sins will make you free. 4 He brings those blessings, long ago Prepared by God for all below, That in His heavenly kingdom blest You may with us forever rest. 5 These are the tokens ye shall mark, The swaddling-clothes and manger dark; There shall ye find the young child laid, By whom the heavens and earth were made. 6 Now let us all with gladsome cheer Follow the shepherds, and draw near To see this wondrous gift of God, Who hath His own dear Son bestowed. 7 Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes! What is it in yon manger lies? Who is this child, so young and fair? Dear little Jesus lieth there. 8 Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, Through whom the sinful world is blest! Thou com'st to share my misery, What thanks shall I return to Thee? 9 Ah! Lord, who hast created all, How hast Thou made Thee weak and small, That Thou must lie on coarse dry grass, The food of humble ox and ass! 10 And were the world ten times as wide, With gold and jewels beautified, It would be far too small to be A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee. 11 For velvets soft and silken stuff Thou hast but hay and straw so rough, Whereon Thou King, so rich and great, As 't were Thy heaven, art throned in state. 12 And thus, dear Lord, it pleasèd Thee To make this truth quite plain to me, That this world's honor, wealth, and might Are naught and worthless in Thy sight. 13 Ah! dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. 14 My heart for very joy doth leap, My lips no more can silence keep; I, too, must sing with joyful tongue That sweetest ancient cradle-song: 15 Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given! While angels sing with pious mirth A glad New Year to all the earth. Topics: The Church Year Languages: English Tune Title: [From heaven above to earth I come]
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The old year now hath passed away

Author: J. Steuerlein Hymnal: HELC1886 #10 (1886) Lyrics: 1 The old year now hath passed away, we thank Thee, Christ of Lord, today, that Thou hast kept us through the year, when danger and distress were near. 2 We pray Thee, O Eternal Son, Who with the Father reign’st as One, To guard and rule Thy Christendom Through all the ages yet to come. 3 Take not Thy saving Word away, Our souls’ true comfort, staff, and stay; Abide with us, and keep us free From all false doctrines graciously. 4 O help us to forsake all sin, A new and holier course begin; From last year's sins, Lord, hide Thy face, In this new ear grant us Thy grace: 5 That as true Christians we may live, Or die in peace that Thou canst give, To rise again when Thou shalt come, And enter our eternal home. 6 There shall we thank Thee, and adore, With all the angels evermore; Lord Jesus Christ, increase our faith To praise Thy Name through life and death. Topics: The Church Year Languages: English Tune Title: [The old year now hath passed away]


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