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Hymnal, Number:elhw1908

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All glory be to God on high

Author: Nicolaus Decius; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: ELHW1908 #1 (1908) Lyrics: 1 All glory be to God on high, Who hath our race befriended! To us no harm shall now come nigh, The feud at last is ended? God showeth His good will toward men, And peace shall dwell on earth again; O thank Him for His goodness. 2 We praise, we worship Thee, we trust And give Thee thanks forever, O Father, that Thy rule is just And wise, and changes never: Thy boundless power o'er all things reigns, Done is whate'er Thy will ordains; Blest we that Thou art Ruler! 3 O Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, Son of Thy heavenly Father, O Thou who hast our peace restored And straying sheep dost gather, Thou Lamb of God, to Thee on high, From out our depths we sinners cry, Have mercy on us, Jesus! 4 O Holy Ghost, Thou precious Gift, Thou Comforter unfailing, O'er Satan's snares our souls uplift, And let Thy power availing Avert our woes and calm our dread; For us the Savior's blood was shed, We trust in Thee to save us! Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service Languages: English Tune Title: DECIUS (Allein Gott in der Hoch sei Ehr)
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Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word

Author: Tobias Clausnitzer; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: ELHW1908 #2 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word We are gathered all to hear Thee; Let our hearts and souls be stirred, Now to seek and love and fear Thee; By Thy teachings sweet and holy, Drawn from earth to love Thee solely. 2 All our knowledge, sense and sight Lie in deepest darkness shrouded, Till Thy Spirit breaks our night With the beams of trust unclouded; Thou alone to God canst win us, Thou must work all good within us. 3 Glorious Lord, Thyself impart! Light of Light from God proceeding. Open Thou our ears and heart, Help us by Thy Spirit's pleading, Hear the cry Thy people raises, Hear and bless our prayers and praises! Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service; Languages: English Tune Title: NUREMBERG (Old) (Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier)
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Christ Jesus, Lord! to us attend

Author: William August II., Duke of Saxe-Weimar; L. Heyl Hymnal: ELHW1908 #3 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Christ Jesus, Lord! to us attend, The Holy Spirit to us send, With grace to rule us day by day, And lead us on in wisdom's way. 2 Unseal our lips to sing Thy praise, Our hearts in true devotion raise; Our faith increase, and light bestow, That we Thy name may truly know. 3 Until we join the hosts that cry: Holy art Thou, O Lord most high! And see Thy face, O Lord of might! 'Mid endless joy and blissful light. 4 Exalt the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit! Three in One-- To Thee, O Holy Trinity, Eternal praise and glory be. Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service Languages: English Tune Title: WEIMAR (Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend)
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Lord, open Thou my heart to hear

Author: Johannes Olearius; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: ELHW1908 #4 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Lord, open Thou my heart to hear, And by Thy Word to me draw near; Let me that Word still pure retain, Let me Thy child and heir remain. 2 Thy Word can move the inmost heart, And health to soul and sense impart: To this my soul its comfort owes, This peace and blessedness bestows. 3 Now to the Triune God alone, Three persons on one blissful throne, Unceasing praise and glory be In time and through eternity. Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service Languages: English Tune Title: EVENING PRAYER
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Light of Light, enlighten me

Author: Benjamin Schmolck; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: ELHW1908 #5 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Light of Light, enlighten me, Now anew the day is dawning; Sun of grace, the shadows flee, Brighten Thou my Sunday morning; With Thy joyous sunshine blest Happy is my day of rest. 2 Fount of all my joy and peace, To Thy living waters lead me; Thou from earth my soul release, And with grace and mercy feed me; Bless Thy Word that it may prove Rich in fruits of faith and love. 3 Kindle Thou the sacrifice That upon my lips is lying; Clear the shadows from mine eyes, That, from every error flying, No strange fire may in me glow That Thine altar doth not know. 4 Let me with my heart to-day, Holy, Holy, Holy, singing, Wrapt awhile from earth away, All my soul to Thee upspringing, Have a foretaste inly given How they worship Thee in heaven. 5 Rest in me and I in Thee, Build a paradise within me; O reveal Thyself to me, Blessed Love, who diedst to win me; Fed from Thine exhaustless urn, Pure and bright my lamp shall burn. 6 Hence all care, all vanity! For the day to God is holy; Come, Thou glorious Majesty, Deign to fill this temple lowly; Nothing else my soul shall move, Simply resting in Thy love. Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service; First Sunday of Advent Languages: English Tune Title: LIGHT OF LIGHT (Licht von Licht, erleuchte mich)
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Thy presence, gracious God, afford

Author: John Fawcett Hymnal: ELHW1908 #6 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Thy presence, gracious God, afford, Prepare us to receive Thy Word; Now let Thy voice engage our ear, And faith be mixed with what we hear. 2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove, And fix our hearts and hopes above; With food divine may we be fed, And satisfied with living bread. 3 To us the sacred Word apply With sov'reign power and energy; And may we, in Thy faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear. 4 Father, in us Thy Son reveal; Teach us to know and do Thy will; Thy saving power and love display, And guide us to the realms of day. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service; Sexagesima Languages: English Tune Title: THY PRESENCE
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Lord Jesus, though but two or three

Author: Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: ELHW1908 #7 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus, though but two or three In Thy dear Name assembled be, Thou wilt among them show Thy face, And bless them with Thy saving grace. 2 In Thy dear Name again we meet, And worship humbly at Thy feet; Thou will Thy gracious Word fulfill And cheer us with Thy presence still. 3 O Thou from whom all blessings flow, Thy peace and comfort now bestow; Abide with us till life is o'er And make us Thine for evermore. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Opening of Service Languages: English Tune Title: ROCKINGHAM (New)
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Abide with us, Lord Jesus!

Author: Josua Stegmann, D. D. Hymnal: ELHW1908 #8 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Abide with us, Lord Jesus! Thy grace sustain our hearts, That Satan may not harm us, With his malignant arts. 2 Abide with the assurance Of Thy redeeming Word, That peace, now and hereafter, Be ours through Thee, O Lord. 3 Abide, and with Thy radiance Cheer us, resplendent Light; Thy truth direct, and keep us From error's gloomy night. 4 Abide, and let Thy blessing, Lord, rest on us always, All needful strength and graces Grant thou us day by day. 5 Abide, be Thy protection Our safety, tower and shield, Lest world and Satan fell us, And drive us from the field. 6 Abide then with us, Savior! Our constant, faithful Friend: Grant steadfastness and patience, And vict'ry in the end. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Close of Service Languages: English Tune Title: HEIDELBERG (Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade)
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Now our worship sweet is o'er

Author: Hartmann Schenck; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: ELHW1908 #9 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Now our worship sweet is o'er-- Singing, praying, teaching, hearing: Let us gladly God adore, For His gracious strength and cheering: Bless His Name, who fain would save us, For the rich repast He gave us. 2 Now the Blessing cheers our heart, And the service all is ended, Let us joyfully depart, Be our souls to God commended: His good Spirit ever guide us, And with all things well provide us. 3 Let our going out be blest, Bless our entrance in like measure; Bless, O Lord, our toil and rest, Bless our bread, our grief and pleasure; Be in death Thy blessing given; And make us blest heirs of heaven! Topics: The Church Year Close of Service Languages: English Tune Title: NUREMBERG (Old) (Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier)
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Almighty God, Thy Word is cast

Author: John Cawood Hymnal: ELHW1908 #10 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Almighty God, Thy word is cast Like seed upon the ground; O let the dew of heav'n descend, And shed its influence round. 2 Let not the foe of Christ and man This holy seed remove; Make it take root in ev'ry heart, And grow in faith and love! 3 Let not this life's deceitful cares, Nor worldly wealth and joy, Nor scorching beam, nor stormy blast The rising plant destroy. 4 Where'er the Word of life is sown, A large increase bestow, That all who hear Thy message, Lord, Its saving power may know. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Close of Service; Sexagesima Languages: English Tune Title: MORNINGTON


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