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Crown him with many crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894 Appears in 810 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne; hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing of him who died for thee, and hail him as thy matchless king through all eternity. 2 Crown him the Virgin's Son, the God incarnate born, whose arm those crimson trophies won which now his brow adorn: Fruit of the mystic Rose, as of that Rose the Stem; the Root whence mercy ever flows, the Babe of Bethlehem. 3 Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, those wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified: no angel in the sky can fully bear that sight, but downward bends his burning eye at mysteries so bright. 4 Crown him the Lord of peace, whose power a sceptre sways from pole to pole, that wars may cease, and all be prayer and praise: his reign shall know no end, and round his piercèd feet fair flowers of paradise extend their fragrance ever sweet. 5 Crown him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime: all hail, Redeemer, hail! for thou hast died for me; thy praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity. Topics: Ascension Day; Easter VII Year B; Easter VII Year C; Proper 21 Year A; Christ the King Year A; Christ the King Year C Scripture: Galatians 1:20 Used With Tune: DIADEMATA
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Alleluia, sing to Jesus!

Author: William Chatterton Dix, 1837-1898 Meter: D Appears in 218 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Alleluia, sing to Jesus! his the sceptre, his the throne; alleluia, his the triumph, his the victory alone: hark, the songs of peaceful Sion thunder like a mighty flood; Jesus out of every nation hath redeemed us by his blood. 2 Alleluia, not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; alleluia, he is near us, faith believes, nor questions how: though the cloud from sight received him, when the forty days were o'er, shall our hearts forget his promise, 'I am with you evermore'? 3 Alleluia, bread of angels, thou on earth our food, our stay; alleluia, here the sinful flee to thee from day to day: Intercessor, Friend of sinners, earth's Redeemer, plead for me, where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea. 4 Alleluia, King eternal, thee the Lord of lords we own; alleluia, born of Mary, earth thy footstool, heaven thy throne: thou within the veil hast entered, robed in flesh, our great High Priest; thou on earth both Priest and Victim in the eucharistic feast. Topics: Holy Communion; Proper 9 Year A Scripture: Acts 1:3 Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL

Amazing grace (how sweet the sound)

Author: John Newton, 1725-1806 Meter: Appears in 1,478 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Amazing grace (how sweet the sound) that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed! 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come: 'tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures. 5 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease: I shall possess, within the veil, a life of joy and peace. 6 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, the sun forbear to shine; but God, who called me here below, will be forever mine. Topics: Advent IV Year B; Lent IV Year A; Lent IV Year B; Lent IV Year C; Proper 23 Year B Scripture: 1 Chronicles 17:16 Used With Tune: AMAZING GRACE
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All people that on earth do dwell

Author: William Kethe, d. 1594 Meter: Appears in 734 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; him serve with fear, his praise forth tell, come ye before him, and rejoice. 2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed; without our aid he did us make; we are his folk, he doth us feed, and for his sheep he doth us take. 3 O enter then his gates with praise, approach with joy his courts unto; praise, laud, and bless his name always, for it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? The Lord our God is good; his mercy is for ever sure; his truth at all times firmly stood, and shall from age to age endure. 5 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the God whom heaven and earth adore, from men and from the angel-host be praise and glory evermore. Scripture: 2 Chronicles 5:13 Used With Tune: OLD HUNDREDTH Text Sources: Psalm 100 in Anglo-Genevan Psalter, 1560
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At the cross her station keeping

Author: Jacopone Da Todi d. 1306; Edward Caswall, 1814-1878 Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 140 hymnals Lyrics: 1 At the cross her station keeping stood the mournful Mother weeping, where he hung, the dying Lord; for her soul, of joy bereavèd, bowed with anguish, deeply grievèd, felt the sharp and piercing sword. 2 O how sad and sore distressèd now was she, that Mother blessèd of the sole-begotten one! Deep the woe of her affliction, when she saw the crucifixion of her ever-glorious Son. 3 Who, on Christ's dear Mother gazing pierced by anguish so amazing, born of woman, would not weep? Who, on Christ's dear Mother thinking such a cup of sorrow drinking, would not share her sorrows deep? 4 For his people's sins chastisèd, she beheld her Son despisèd, scourged, and crowned with thorns entwined; saw him then from judgement taken, and in death by all forsaken, till his spirit he resigned. 5 O good Jesu, let me borrow something of thy Mother's sorrow, fount of love, Redeemer kind, that my heart fresh ardour gaining, and a purer love attaining, may with thee acceptance find. Topics: Passiontide and Holy Week Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-2 Used With Tune: STABAT MATER
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Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing

Author: John Fawcett, 1740-1817 Meter: Appears in 1,296 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, fill our hearts with joy and peace; let us each, thy love possessing, triumph in redeeming grace; O refresh us, traveling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration for thy gospel's joyful sound; may the fruits of thy salvation in our hearts and lives abound; may thy presence with us evermore be found. Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:2-4 Used With Tune: PILGRIMAGE

Morning has broken, like the first morning

Author: Eleanor Farjeon, 1881-1965 Meter: Appears in 95 hymnals Topics: Creation; Second Sunday Before Lent Year B Scripture: 2 Peter 3:5 Used With Tune: BUNESSAN

Holy Spirit, truth divine

Author: Samuel Longfellow, 1819-1892 Meter: Appears in 275 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Holy Spirit, truth divine, dawn upon this soul of mine; voice of God, and inward light, wake my spirit, clear my sight. 2 Holy Spirit, love divine, glow within this heart of mine; kindle every high desire; perish self in thy pure fire. 3 Holy Spirit, power divine, fill and nerve this will of mine; by thee may I strongly live, bravely bear and nobly strive. 4 Holy Spirit, law divine, reign within this soul of mine; be my law, and I shall be firmly bound, for ever free. 5 Holy Spirit, peace divine, still this restless heart of mine; speak to calm this tossing sea, stayed in thy tranquillity. 6 Holy Spirit, joy divine, gladden thou this heart of mine; in the desert ways I sing, spring, O well, for ever spring! Topics: Pentecost; Proper 8 Year C; Proper 17 Year A Scripture: Isaiah 57:18-20 Used With Tune: HARTS
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Loving Shepherd of thy sheep

Author: Jane E. Leeson, 1809-1881 Meter: Appears in 84 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Loving Shepherd of thy sheep, keep thy lamb, in safety keep; nothing can thy power withstand, none can pluck me from thy hand. 2 Loving Saviour, thou didst give thine own life that we might live, and the hands outstretched to bless bear the cruel nails' impress. 3 I would praise thee every day, gladly all thy will obey, like thy blessèd ones above happy in thy precious love. 4 Loving Shepherd, ever near, teach thy lamb thy voice to hear; suffer not my steps to stray from the straight and narrow way. 5 Where thou leadest I would go, walking in thy steps below, till before my Father's throne I shall know as I am known. Topics: Proper 19 Year C Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:12 Used With Tune: BUCKLAND
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Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands

Author: Ephraim the Syrian, c. 306-373; Charles W. Humphreys, 1841-1921; Percy Dearmer Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands that holy things have taken; let ears that now have heard thy songs to clamour never waken. 2 Lord, may the tongues which 'Holy' sang keep free from all deceiving; the eyes which saw thy love be bright, thy blessèd hope perceiving. 3 The feet that tread thy holy courts from light do thou not banish; the bodies by thy Body fed with thy new life replenish. Topics: Proper 21 Year B Scripture: Hebrews 12:12-13 Used With Tune: ACH GOTT UND HERR


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