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Scripture:Psalm 136:1-9

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Showing 1 - 10 of 136Results Per Page: 102050

Let Us with a Gladsome Mind

Author: John Milton; Marie J. Post Meter: Appears in 545 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 Topics: Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Pharaoh; Commitment & Dedication; New Year - Old Year; Songs for Children Psalms; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Pharaoh; Commitment & Dedication; Easter; Harvest; New Year - Old Year; Opening of Worship; Providence; Thanksgiving & Gratitude Used With Tune: GENEVAN 136

Psalm 136 Abridged

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 323 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 First Line: Give to our God immortal praise Lyrics: Give to our God immortal praise; Mercy and truth are all his ways: Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown: His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high: Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. He fills the sun with morning light; He bids the moon direct the night: His mercies ever shall endure, When suns and moons shall shine no more. The Jews he freed from Pharaoh's hand, And brought them to the promised land Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. He saw the Gentiles dead in sin, And felt his pity work within His mercies ever shall endure, When death and sin shall reign no more. He sent his Son with power to save From guilt, and darkness, and the grave Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heav'nly seat His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more. Topics: Works and grace; Thunder and storm; Creation and Providence; Grace and providence; Providence and creation; God mercy and truth; Mercies and truth of God; Perfections of God; Israel saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Mercies everlasting

Psalm 136

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 151 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 First Line: Give thanks to God most high Lyrics: Give thanks to God most high, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace adored. His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise. How mighty is his hand! What wonders hath he done! He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heav'ns alone. Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. His wisdom framed the sun To crown the day with light; The moon and twinkling stars To cheer the darksome night. His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise. [He smote the first-born sons, The flower of Egypt, dead; And thence his chosen tribes With joy and glory led. Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. His power and lifted rod Cleft the Red Sea in two; And for his people made A wondrous passage through. His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise. But cruel Pharaoh there, With all his host, he drowned; And brought his Isr'el safe Through a long desert ground. Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. The kings of Canaan fell Beneath his dreadful hand; While his own servants took Possession of their land. His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise.] He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin, And pitied the sad state The ruined world was in. Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe. His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise. Give thanks aloud to God, To God the heav'nly King; And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word. Topics: Works and grace; Thunder and storm; Creation and Providence; Grace and providence; Providence and creation; God mercy and truth; Mercies and truth of God; Perfections of God; Israel saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Mercies everlasting

Psalm 136

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 First Line: Give thanks to God the sovereign Lord Lyrics: Give thanks to God the sovereign Lord; His mercies still endure; And be the King of kings adored; His truth is ever sure. What wonders hath his wisdom done! How mighty is his hand! Heav'n, earth, and sea, he framed alone; How wide is his command The sun supplies the day with light; How bright his counsels shine! The moon and stars adorn the night; His works are all divine. [He struck the sons of Egypt dead; How dreadful is his rod! And thence with joy his people led; How gracious is our God! He cleft the swelling sea in two; His arm is great in might; And gave the tribes a passage through; His power and grace unite. But Pharaoh's army there he drowned; How glorious are his ways! And brought his saints through desert ground; Eternal be his praise! Great monarchs fell beneath his hand; Victorious is his sword; While Isr'el took the promised land; And faithful is his word.] He saw the nations dead in sin; He felt his pity move: How sad the state the world was in! How boundless was his love! He sent to save us from our woe; His goodness never fails; From death, and hell, and every foe; And still his grace prevails. Give thanks to God the heav'nly King; His mercies still endure: Let the whole earth his praises sing; His truth is ever sure. Topics: Works and grace; Thunder and storm; Creation and Providence; Grace and providence; Providence and creation; God mercy and truth; Mercies and truth of God; Perfections of God; Israel saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Mercies everlasting
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His Mercy Flows An Endless Stream.

Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 First Line: O thank the Lord, the Lord of love Refrain First Line: His mercy flows an endless stream Lyrics: 1 O thank the Lord, the Lord of love, O thank the God, all gods above; O thank the mighty King of kings, Whose arm has done such wondrous things. Chorus: His mercy flows an endless stream To all eternity the same, To all eternity, To all eternity, To all eternity the same. 2 Whose wisdom gave the heav'ns their birth, And on the waters spread the earth; Who taught you glorious lights their way, The radiant sun to rule the day. [Chorus] 3 The moon and stars to rule the night With radiance of a milder light; Who smote th' Egyptians' stubborn pride, When in His wrath their firstborn died. [Chorus] 4 But led His Israel from their land, With outstretched arm and conq'ring hand; Whose hand the Red Sea's waters clave, And guided Israel through the wave. [Chorus] 5 But buried Pharaoh and his bands, And led his flock through desert lands, Who smote proud monarchs in their might, And warlike princes slew in fight. [Chorus] 6 Sihon, the king of Heshbon's towers, And Og, the Lord of Bashan's powers, And for inheritance their land He gave to Israel's chosen band. [Chorus] 7 Who thought on us amid our woes, And rescued us from all our foes; Who daily feeds each living thing; O thank the heaven's Almighty King. [Chorus] Topics: Love; Mercy Used With Tune: [O thank the Lord, the Lord of love]

Psalm 136: We Give Thanks unto You

Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950 Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 First Line: We give thanks unto you, O God of might Topics: Praise and Adoration Used With Tune: Psalm 136: We Give Thanks unto You
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To God, the mighty Lord

Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 Lyrics: 1 To God the mighty Lord, Your joyful Thanks repeat: To him due Praise afford, As good as he is great. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 2,3 To him whose wond'rous Pow'r All other Gods obey, Whom earthly Kings adore, This grateful Homage pay. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 4,5 By his Almighty Hand Amazing Works are wrought; The Heav'ns by his Command Were to Perfection brought. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 6 He spread the Ocean round About the spacious Land; And made the rising Ground Above the Waters stand. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 7,8,9 Thro' Heav'n he did display His num'rous Hosts of Light; The Sun to rule by Day, The Moon and stars by Night. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 10,11,12 He struck the First-born dead Of Egypt's stubborn Land; And thence his People led With is resistless Hand. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 13,14 By him the raging Sea, As if in Pieces rent, Disclos'd a middle Way, Through which his People went. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 15 Where soon he overthrew Proud Pharaoh and his Host, Who daring to pursue, Were in the Billows lost. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 16,17,18 Thro' Desarts vast and wild He led the chosen Seed; And famous princes foil'd, And made great Monarch's bleed, For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 19,20 Sihon, whose potent Hand Great Ammon's Scepter sway'd; And Og, whose stern Command Rich Bashan's Land obey'd. For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 21,22 And of his wond'rous Grace, Their lands, whom he destroy'd, He gave to Isr'el's Race, To be by them enjoy'd, For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 23,24 He, in our Depth of Woes, On us with Favour thought, And from our cruel foes In Peace and Safety brought, For God does prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end. 25,26 He does the Food supply, On which all Creatures live: To God who reigns on high Eternal Praises give. For God will prove Our constant Friend, His boundless Love Shall never end.
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Give Thanks to God, for Good Is He

Meter: D Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 Lyrics: 1 Give thanks to God, for good is he: his love abides forever. To him all praise and glory be: his mercy lasts forever. His wondrous works with praise record: his love abides forever. The only God, the sovereign Lord: his mercy lasts forever. 2 His wisdom made the heavens to be: his love abides forever. He spread the earth upon the sea: his mercy lasts forever. Praise him whose sun awakes the day: his love abides forever. The moon and stars his might display: his mercy lasts forever. 3 He helped us in our deepest woes: his love abides forever. He ransomed us from all our foes: his mercy lasts forever. Each creature's need he will supply: his love abides forever. Give thanks to God, enthroned on high: his mercy lasts forever. Topics: Commitment & Dedication; King, God/Christ as; Alternative Harmonizations; Commitment & Dedication; Grace; King, God/Christ as; Mercy; Providence; Thanksgiving & Gratitude; Wisdom Used With Tune: CONSTANCE Text Sources: Psalter, 1912, alt.

Psalm 136: Praise God, for he is kind

Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136 First Line: Praise God, for he is kind: Lyrics: 1Praise God, for he is kind: His mercy lasts for aye. 2Give thanks with heart and mind To God of gods alway: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 3The Lord of lords praise ye, Whose mercies still endure. 4Great wonders only he Doth work by his great pow’r For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 5Which God omnipotent, By might and wisdom high, The heav’n and firmament Did frame, as we may see: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 6To him who did outstretch This earth so great and wide, Above the waters’ reach Making it to abide: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 7Great lights he made to be; For his grace lasteth aye: 8Such as the sun we see, To rule the lightsome day: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 9Also the moon so clear, Which shineth in our sight; The stars that do appear, To guide the darksome night: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 10To him that Egypt smote, Who did his message scorn; And in his anger hot Did kill all their first-born: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 11Thence Isr’el out he brought; For his grace lasteth ever. 12With a strong hand he wrought, And stretch’d-out arm deliver: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 13The sea he cut in two; For his grace lasteth still. 14And through its midst to go Made his own Israel: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 15But overwhelm’d and lost Was proud king Pharaoh, With all his mighty host, And chariots there also: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 16To him who pow’rfully His chosen people led, Ev’n through the desert dry, And in that place them fed: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 17To him great kings who smote; For his grace hath no bound. 18Who slew, and spared not Kings famous and renown’d: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 19Sihon the Am’rites’ king; For his grace lasteth ever: 20Og also, who did reign The land of Bashan over: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 21Their land by lot he gave; For his grace faileth never, 22That Isr’el might it have In heritage for ever: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 23Who hath remembered Us in our low estate; 24And us delivered From foes which did us hate: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. 25Who to all flesh gives food; For his grace faileth never. 26Give thanks to God most good, The God of heav’n, for ever: For certainly His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally.
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Praise, oh, praise our God and King

Author: H. W. Baker Appears in 141 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 136:1 Used With Tune: NUREMBURG


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