Appears in 115 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 25:6 First Line: Ye Virgin Souls, arise Lyrics: 1 Ye Virgin Souls, arise,
With all the Dead awake,
Unto Salvation wise,
Oil in your Vessels take:
Upstarting at the Midnight-Cry,
Behold your heav'nly Bridegroom nigh.
2 He comes, he comes, to call
The Nations to his Bar,
And take to Glory all
Who meet for Glory are;
Make ready for your free Reward,
Go forth with Joy to meet your LORD--
3 Go meet him in the Sky,
Your everlasting Friend;
Your Head to glorify,
With all his Saints ascend.
Ye pure in Heart, obtain the Grace
To see, without a Veil, his Face.
4 Ye, that have here receiv'd
The Unction from above,
And in his Spirit liv'd,
And thirsted for his Love;
JESUS shall claim you for his Bride;
Rejoice with all the Sanctify'd.
5 Rejoice, in glorious Hope,
Of that great Day unknown,
When you shall be caught up
To stand before his Throne;
Call'd to partake the Marriage-Feast,
And lean on our Immanuel's Breast.
6 The everlasting Doors
Shall soon the Saint, receive,
Above those Angel-Powers
In glorious Joy to live:
Far from a World of Grief and Sin,
With GOD eternally shut in.
7 Then let us wait to hear
The Trumpet's welcome sound;
To see our LORD appear,
May we be watching found;
With that bless'd Wedding-Robe endu'd,--
The Blood and righteousness of GOD.
Topics: liturgical Songs of Response; Invitation to Praise and Repentance
The Midnight Cry