Author: C. Wesley Appears in 87 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 58:6 Lyrics: 1 Oh, that I could repent!
Oh, that I could believe!
Thou, by thy voice, the marble rent,
The rock in sunder cleave!
Thou, by thy two-edge sword,
My soul and spirit part;
Strike with the hammer of thy word,
And break my stubborn heart.
2 Saviour, and Prince of peace,
The double grace bestow,
Unloose the bands of wickedness,
And let the captive go;
Grant me my sins to feel,
And then the load remove;
Wound, and pour in my wounds, to heal,
The balm of pardoning love.
3 For thine own mercy's sake,
The hindrance now remove,
And into thy protection take
The prisoner of thy love;
In every trying hour
Stand by my feeble soul,
And screen me from my nature's power,
Till thou hast made me whole.
4 This is thy will, I know,
That I should holy be,
Should let my sins this moment go,
This moment turn to thee:
Oh, might I now embrace
Thine all-sufficient power,
And nevermore to sin give place,
And never grieve thee more.
Topics: The Christian System Repentance and Faith; Godly Sorrow
Oh, that I could repent! Oh, that I could believe!