Author: Mary Nelson Keithahn Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:5 Lyrics: Like Miriam who danced to praisethe parting of the sea,and David, who before the ark,danced on with ecstasy,God, pour your spirit into us,fill us with joy as well,that we may also join the danceand all your praises tell.Like prophets dancing to your tunebefore a royal throne,or marching to a freedom songor standing firm alone,God, send us visions of your will,reveal to us your Word,that we may bravely dance our roleand speak what we have heard.Like those who danced with Jesus Christ,until his life was done,then carried on the dance of lovethat he had just begun,God, fill us with their loyaltyand passion for their Friend,that we may follow in their stepsto joy that has no end. Topics: Christian Life Praising,speaking, doing God's Word; Peace and Justice Used With Tune: FAITH DANCE Text Sources: The Song Lingers On
Like Miriam Who Danced to Praise