Author: Fanny J. Crosby Hymnal: Joyful Lays #148 (1884) Lyrics: 1 Tell out the joyful tidings
That once the Saviour told;
Thro' village, town and city,
His precious truth unfold;
Tell out the joyful tidings,
And publish far and wide
The blessed, blessed story,
That Christ for sinners died.
2 Tell out the joyful tidings,
That all His grace may share,
Who, trusting only Jesus,
Will come by faith and prayer;
Lift up the trembling mourner,
So weak and crush'd within,
And say, “The blood of Jesus
Will cleanse from ev'ry sin.”
3 Tell out the joyful tiding,
That all who now believe,
The gift of life eternal
From Jesus shall receive;
A life beyond the shadows
That dim these fading skies,
Where pleasure blooms immortal
And friendship never dies. Scripture: Psalm 89:15 Languages: English Tune Title: [Tell out the joyful tidings]
Tell out the Joyful Tidings