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Martin Behm

1557 - 1622 Author of "O Heilige Dreifaltigkeit" in Antwort Finden in alten und neuen Liedern, in Worten zum Nachdenken und Beten Behm, Martin, son of Hans Behm [Bohme, Boehm, Behemb, Behem, Boheim, Bohemus or Bohemius], town-overseer of Lauban in Silesia, was born at Lauban, Sept. 16, 1557. During a protracted famine, 1574, Dr. Paul Fabricius, royal physician at Vienna, a distant kinsman, took him to Vienna, where he acted as a private tutor for two years, and then went to Strassburg, where, from Johann Sturm, Rector of the newly founded University, he received much kindness. Returning home at his mother's request after his father's death, May, 1580, he was, at Easter, 1581, appointed assistant in the Town School, and on Sept. 20, ordained diaconus of the Holy Trinity Church. After his senior had been promoted to Breslau the Town Council kept the post nominally vacant for two years, and then, in June, 1586, appointed Behm chief pastor. For 36 years ho held this post, renowned as a preacher, as a faithful pastor in times of trouble (famine 1590, pestilence 1613, war 1619), and as a prolific author. After preaching on the tenth Sunday after Trinity, 1621, he was seized with illness, and after he had lain for twenty-four weeks on a sick bed, there was ministered to him, on Feb. 5, 1622, the abundant entrance of which he sings in his hymn, "O Jesu Christ, meins Lebenslichtr” (Koch, ii. 227-234; Allg. Deutsche Biographie,ii. 282). He was one of the best hymn-writers of his time. His hymns are true and deep in feeling, dwelling specially on the Passion of Our Lord. They speedily passed into the hymn-books, and long held their place therein. Of about 480 hymns which he composed, the most important appeared in his:— (1) Centuria precationum rhythmicarum, Wittenberg, 1606 (2nd ed., 1611). (2) Centuria secunda precationum rhythmicarum, Wittenberg, 1608 (2nd ed., 1611). (3) Centuria precationum rhythmicarum, "Wittenberg, 1615 (complete edition of the Three Centuries, Jena and Breslau, 1658). A selection of 79 Hymns, ed., with an introduction, by W. Noldeke, appeared at Halle in 1857. Four of his hymns have been translated into English, three being in English common use:— i. O Heilige Dreifaltigkeit. [Morning.] First published in his Kriegesman, Leipzig, 1593, in 7 st. of unequal length, repeated in 1608, as above, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. Both forms are in Wackernagel, v. p. 197; and the second in Noldeke, 1857, p. 53; and, omitting stanzas vi.-viii., as No. 1126 in the Berlin G. L. S., ed. 1863. In 1593 it was entitled " The ancient Sancta Trinitas et adoranda (Jnitas in German;" but it is rather a versification of the Prayer for Wednesday evening in J. Habermann's Gebet Buck (Wittenberg, 1567). The translations in common use, both of the second form, are:— 1. O Thou most Holy Trinity. A very good translation of stanzas i., iii.-v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 2 in his Ps. and Hys., 1851, and thence in Kennedy, 1863, and Dr. Thomas's Augustine H. Bk., 1866. 2. O holy, blessed Trinity, Divine. A good translation of stanzas i.-v. by Dr. C. H. L. Schuette, as No. 295 in the Ohio Luth. Hymnal, 1880. 3. O holy, holy, holy Three, by H. J. Bucholl, 1842, p. 21. ii. O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht. [For the Dying.] His finest hymn. First pub.lished in a collection entitled Christliche Gebet, 1610, and then in his Zehen Sterbegebet, appended to his Centuria secunda, 1611 (see above), in 14 stanzas of 4 1., entitled " Prayer fora happy journey home, founded upon the sufferings of Christ." Thence in Wackernagel, v. p. 235, Noldeke, 1857, p. 79, and the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 835. The translations in common use are:— 1. Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light. A very good translation by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Ger., 2nd Series, 1858, p. 213, st. v., x. being omitted and viii., ix. combined as one stanza. In her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 190, she omitted her stanzas v., vi., and united her stanzas iv., vii. as iv. This translation is included more or less abridged in Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865, and in America in the Baptist Hymn Book, Phil, 1871, the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878/and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, &c. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, my soul's desire. A good and full translation by Dr. John Ker in the Juv. Miss. Mag. of the U. P. Church, May, 1858, p. 25. Stanzas i., iii, v., vii. form No. 49 in the Ibrox Hymnal, 1871. Other translations are:— (l) "Lord Jesu, fountain of my life." by J. C. Jacobi, 1725, p. 52 (1732, p. 195), and repeated in the Moravian hymn books combined in 1826 with J. Cennick's "Though I'm in body full of pain." (2) "Jesu, my light and sure defence," as No. 54 in the Moravian Hymn Book 1742. (3) “O Jesu, life-light of my way," by Miss Warner, 1858 (ed. 1861, p. 176). iii. O Konig aller Ehren. [Epiphany.] Founded on St. Matthew ii., and first published 1606 as above, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. Thence in Wackernagel, v. p. 210, Noldeke, 1857, p. 31, and the Unv. Leidersegen, 1851, No. 79. The translations in common use are:— 1. O King of Glory, David's Son. A double C. M. version of stanzas i., ii., v., vi. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Series, 1858, p. 20, and thence in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 33. Her 2nd translation:— 2. O Jesu, King of Glory, No. 37 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, is the above version rewritten to the original metre. In the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, No. 54, with translation of st. iii., iv. added. iv. Das wait Gott Vater und Gott Sohn. [Morning Prayer.] First published 1608 as above, in 11 st., and thence in Wackernagel, v. p. 215, in Noldeke, 1857, p. 51. Translated as "O God Almighty, Father, Son," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 15. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

David Denicke

1603 - 1680 Alterer of "Nun jauchzt dem Herren, alle Welt" in Antwort Finden in alten und neuen Liedern, in Worten zum Nachdenken und Beten Denicke, David, son of B. D. Denicke, Town Judge of Zittau, Saxony, was born at Zittau, January 31, 1603. After studying philosophy and law at the Universities of Wittenberg and Jena, he was for a time tutor of law at Königsberg, and, 1624-1628, travelled in Holland, England and France. In 1629 he became tutor to the sons of Duke Georg of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and under father and sons held various important offices, such as, 1639, the direction of the foundation of Bursfeld, and in 1642 a member of the Consistory at Hannover. He died at Hannover, April 1, 1680 (Koch, iii. 237; Bode, p. 58). His hymns, which for that time were in good taste, and are simple, useful, warm, and flowing, appeared in the various Hannoverian hymnbooks, 1646-1659, which he edited along with J. Gesenius (q.v.). All appeared there without his name.   Those translated are:—i. Wenn ich die heilgen zehn Gebot. Ten Commandments. Contributed to the Hannover Gesang Buch, 1652, No. 69, as a hymn on the Ten Commandments, in 22 stanza of 4 1., stanzas i.-x. being a confession of sins against them, and stanzas xi.-xxii. a medi¬tation and prayer for God's mercy. Included in Crüger's Praxis pietatis melica, 1661, in Freylinghausen's Gesang Buch, 1714, and recently in a few collections, as Sarnighausen's Gesang Buch, 1855, No. 164, and the Ohio Gesang Buch, 1865, No. 182. It is translated as Almighty Lord of earth and heaven. By C. H. L. Schnette, as No. 206 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Stanzas i.-iv. are literal; stanzas v.-vii. seem based on v., vii., xvi., xvii. Hymns not in English common use:— ii. Ach treuer Gott! ich ruf zu dir . [Christian Life .] 1st published in the Hannover Gesang Buch, 1652, No. 135, in 17 st. This is translated as:—(1) “My God! I call upon Thy name," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 177. (2) "Most holy God! to thee I cry," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843 (1847, p. 69). iii. Kommt, lasst euch den Herren lehren . [ The Beatitudes,] 1st published in the Hannover Gesang Buch , 1648, in 11 st., No. 133. It may have been suggested by J. Heermann's "Kommt ihr Christen, kommt und höret" (9 st. in his Sontags- und Fest-Evangelia, Leipzig, 1638; Mützell, 1858, No. 94), but has only 3 lines in common with it. In the Nürnberg Gesang Buch , 1676, No. 962, and many later hymnbooks, it begins : "kommt und lasst uns Jesum lehren." It is translated as "Come and hear our blessed Saviour," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 46. In his 2nd edition, 1732, p. 75, altered and beginning “Come, and hear the sacred story," and thence in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1754, pt. i., No. 469; stanzas x., xi. beginning, "Jesus, grant me to inherit," being repeated in later editions and as No. 423 in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841. iv. Was kann ich doch fiir Dank. [Praise and Thanksgiving]  1st publised in the Hannover Gesang Buch, 1648, in 8 st., No. 154.  Stanza vii. is altered from “Herr Jesu, führe mich," by J. Heermann (Devoti Musica Cordis); Breslau, 1630; Mützell, 1858, No. 57. Translated as "What, thanks can I repay?" by J. C. Jacobi, 1725, p. 46 (1732, p. 147). v. Wir Menschen sein zu dem, O Gott. [Holy Scripture."] 1st published in the Hannover Gesang Buch, 1659, No. 180, in 10 stanzas.  Founded on the Gospel for Sexagesima Sunday—St. Luke viii. 4, &c. Translated as:—(1) "Give us Thy Spirit, Lord, that we," a translation of stanza iii. by J. Swertner, as No. 8 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789 (1886, No. 9). (2) "Let the splendour of Thy word," a translation of stanza ix. by J. Swertner, as No. 15, in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789. (1886, No. 17).        [Rev. James  Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Cornelius Becker

1561 - 1604 Author of "Nun jauchzt dem Herren, alle Welt" in Antwort Finden in alten und neuen Liedern, in Worten zum Nachdenken und Beten Becker, Cornelius, son of Adrian Becker, merchant of Leipzig, was born at Leipzig, Oct. 24, 1561. After studying at the University, where he graduated 1584, he kept a private school till his appointment, in the beginning of 1588, as one of the masters of the St. Thomas School, a post he vacated in Sept., 1588. on being appointed diaconus at Rochlitz. In 1592 he became diaconus, and in 1594, pastor of the church of St. Nicholas, Leipzig; and subsequently Professor of Theology in the University, from which, in 1599, he received the degree of D.D. On account of false accusations he was deprived of his charge on June 5, 1601, but was vindicated and restored on Nov. 29 following. He died suddenly at Leipzig, May 25, 1604 (Koch, ii. 219-223; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, ii. 221). He wrote a few hymns, but his principal work was his version of the Psalter, 1602. The only version translated into English is:— Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, Dem ich mich ganz vertraue. [Ps. xxiii.] Appeared in S. Calvidus's Harmonia Cantionum Ecclesiasticarum, Leipzig, 1598, and then in Becker's Der Psalter Dauids Gesangweis, Leipzig, 1602. Thence in Wackernagel, v., p. 369, in 3 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled "The Good Shepherd." In Bunsen's Allgemeine Gesang-Buch, 1846, No. 2. It is translated as "My Shepherd is the Saviour dear," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 19. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

David Wolder

1504 - 1604 Composer of "[Nun jauchzt dem Herren, alle Welt!]"

Edward Romański

Translator of "Niech w Panu się raduje ṡwiat" in Śpiewnik Ewangelicki

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