Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 40 hymnals First Line: Peace be to this habitation! Lyrics: 1 Peace be to this habitation!
Peace to every soul herein!
Peace, the foretaste of salvation,
Peace, the seal of canceled sin,
Peace, that speaks its heavenly Giver,
Peace to earthly minds unknown,
Peace divine, that lasts forever,
Here erect its glorious throne!
2 On the son of peace descending,
On the daughters of Thy grace,
Big with comforts never ending,
Let the promise now take place:
Each receive the gracious shower,
Each the Gospel blessing prove,
Witness of Thy pardoning power,
Witness of Thy perfect love.
3 Now Thy loving-infusing Spirit
Shed in every heart abroad,
Rise, thro’ Thy imputed merit,
Every child a child of God!
Each receive the constant witness,
Each obtain the joyous rest,
Taste in Thee celestial sweetness,
God residing in their breast.
4 Claim for Thine each faithful servant,
By the reconciling Word,
Pure in heart, in spirit fervent,
Let them serve their heav’nly Lord,
For Thy pardoning love adore Thee,
Walk in sinless liberty,
Brethren to the King of Glory,
Friends of God, and heirs with Thee!
5 Visit, Lord, with Thy salvation
Every providential guest,
Every friend, and kind relation
Take into Thy people’s rest:
Conscious of Thy sacred presence,
Let them feel the the loving fear,
Cry with blissful acquiescence,
God, the pardoning God, is here!
6 Prince of Peace, if Thou art near us,
Fix in all our hearts Thy home,
By Thy last appearing cheer us,
Quickly let Thy kingdom come:
Answer all our expectation,
Give our raptured souls to prove
Glorious, uttermost salvation,
Heavenly, everlasting love! Used With Tune: MALTA Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems (Bristol, England: Felix Farley, 1749), vol 1
Peace Be To This Habitation