Author: Thomas Olivers Meter: D Appears in 457 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise,
who reigns enthroned above,
Ancient of everlasting days,
and God of love.
Jehovah, great I AM,
by earth and heaven confessed:
we bow and bless the sacred name
forever blest.
2 He by himself has sworn,
we on his oath depend,
we shall, on eagles' wings upborne,
to heaven ascend;
we shall behold his face,
we shall his power adore,
and sing the wonders of his grace
3 The God who reigns on high
the great archangels sing,
and “Holy, holy, holy!” cry,
“Almighty King!
Who was and is the same,
and evermore shall be:
eternal Father, great I AM,
we worship thee.”
4 The whole triumphant host
give thanks to God on high;
“Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!”
they ever cry.
Hail, Abraham’s God, and mine!
With heaven our songs we raise;
all might and majesty are thine,
and endless praise.
Topics: God the Father Majesty and Power; Biblical Persons; God Eternal; God Holiness; Grace Of God; Adoration of God; Biblical Persons Abraham; God Eternal; God Holiness; God King; Grace of God; Heritage; Love God’s Love for Us Scripture: Exodus 3:6-14 Used With Tune: LEONI Text Sources: Paraphrase of Hebrew Yigdal
The God of Abraham Praise