Author: J. R. H. Latchaw, D. D. Hymnal: Pearls of Praise #13 (1893) Refrain First Line: Yes, I’ll praise my dear Redeemer Lyrics: 1 I will sing of my Redeemer,
Jesus, Lord, who died for me;
How he left the courts of glory,
Son of God, yet man to be,
Meek and lowly, condescending,
The Incarnate God!
Yes, I’ll praise my dear Redeemer,
For his wondrous love to me,
Love abounding, love excelling,
Paid my debt and set me free;
Hallelujah! I will praise him,
For he gave his life for me.
2 For my sins he paid the ransom,
Shed his blood upon the tree;
One the cruel cross suspended,
There he died in agony,
Crowned with thorns, mocked and derided,
Jesus crucified! [Refrain]
3 I will praise my ris’n Redeemer,
Christ, the resurrected Lord;
For he rose o’er death triumphant,
And fulfilled thus his word:
“Death and hell I came to conquer,”
Dear avenging Lord! [Refrain]
4 I will praise him up in glory,
Sing his dear, redeeming love;
And to angels tell his story
Of the Lamb who sits above,
All the shining hosts of heaven,
Jesus, glorified! [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 25:1 Tune Title: [I will sing of my Redeemer]
I Will Sing of My Redeemer