Author: Johan Olof Wallin Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 He lives! O fainting heart, anew
With joy thy Lord and Saviour view!
He from the silent chamber woke,
And speaks again as e'er He spoke.
A quick'ning hand He has to give:
He lives,and thou shalt also live.
2 O hear His voice, and take His hand,
Thou traveler to a better land;
While passing through thy crucial test,
Lift up thy head,--a peaceful rest,
Thy trials over, He shall give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.
3 Ye dead in sin, awake, arise!
The Lord is calling from the skies.
Repentant come, in faith remain,
And live in Him; from sin and pain
And death shall He salvation give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.
4 With Him thy Guide, lies smooth and bright
Thy pathway to the realm of light;
Abiding faith, undying love,
And hope lead to the home above.
Thy life into His keeping give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.
5 Of glory shall His raiment be;
O'er time and o'er eternity
The Sun of Righteousness shall shine;
In heaven's throne He sits divine;
A footstool earth to Him shall give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.
Amen. Topics: Church Year Easter; Easter; Easter Monday; First Sunday after Easter; Names and Office of Christ Guide; Names and Office of Christ Sun of Righteousness; Comfort; Resurrection of Believers Used With Tune: HAN LEFVER! O MIN ANDE, KÄNN
He Lives! O Fainting Heart, Anew