Hymnal: The New Sabbath School Hosanna #105a (1870) Lyrics: 1 Great Shepherd of thy sheep,
Who all thy flock dost keep,
Leading by waters calm,
Do thou my footsteps guide,
To follow by thy side,
Make me thy little lamb.
2 I fear I may be torn
By many a sharp-set thorn,
As far from thee I stray;
My weary feet may bleed,
For rough are paths which lead
Out of thy pleasant way.
3 But when the road is long,
Thy tender arm, and strong,
The weary one will bear;
And thou wilt wash me clean,
And lead to pastures green,
Where all the flowers are fair.
4 Till, from the soil of sin
Cleansed and made pure within,
Dear Saviour, whose I am,
Thou bringest me in love,
To thy sweet fold above,
A little snow-white lamb. Tune Title: GREAT SHEPHERD
Great Shepherd of thy sheep