1861 - 1938 Author of "Go Gather the Golden Grain" in Dortch's Gospel Voices Rv William Gustin Cooper USA 1861-1938. Born in Evansville, WI, he married Mabel Luella Cooper. He became a Baptist minister having pastorates in Hortonville Village, WI, 1897 – 1901, and later in Ira, VT, in 1922. He also conducted camp meetings. He wrote a number of hymn lyrics and a few tunes. He died in Canton, ME.
Note: In a campmeeting service in 1889, when the service was over, a lyricist, Warren Cornell, sat writing a poem. As he left the site, he dropped the paper he was writing and didn't notice it. An hour or or so later, Rev. Cooper came in to tidy up the tent area for the next service, saw the paper, picked it up and read it, and was so inspired by the words, that he finished writing the text and went to the organ and composed the tune for the hymn, “Wonderful peace”.
John Perry
W. G. Cooper