Author: John A. Comenius; John N. Libbey Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13977 Meter: Lyrics: 1 When my lips can frame no sound,
Savior, be my faith’s sure ground;
When my ears no longer hear,
May my spirit know Thee near;
When my eyes no longer see,
May my soul still rest in Thee!
2 Lord, I trust my soul to Thee,
Let Thy grace abide with me;
By the suffering Thou hast known,
Purge my sin before the throne.
Let my conscience deep within
Feel that I am cleansed from sin.
3 Faithful God, I pray again,
Give my patience in my pain;
For Christ’s sake grant soft release,
Let Thy servant pass in peace.
Then with all Thy saints above,
Let me praise Thy boundless love. Languages: English Tune Title: ZEIGE MIR DEIN ANGESICHT
When My Lips Can Frame No Sound