Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #450 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 What thousands never knew the road!
What thousands hate it when 'tis known!
None but the upright and sincere,
Will seek or choose it for their own.
2 A thousand ways in ruin end,
One only leads to joys on high;
By that my willing steps ascend,
Pleas'd with a journey to the sky.
3 No more I ask or hope to find
Delight or happiness below:
Sorrow may well possess the mind
That feeds where thorns and thistle grow.
4 The joy that fades is not for me,
I seek immortal joys above;
There glory without end shall be
The bright reward of faith and love.
6 Cleave to the world, ye sordid worms,
Contented lick your native dust;
But God shall fight with all his storms,
Against the idol of your trust.
Topics: Christian experience A pilgrimage; The narrow way
What thousands never knew the road!