Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #280 (1814) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Th' uplifted eye and bended knee,
Are but vain homage, Lord! to thee
In vain our lips thy praise prolong,
The heart a stranger to the song.
2 Can rites, and forms, and flaming zeal,
The breaches of thy precepts heal?
Or fasts and penance reconcile
Thy justice, and obtain thy smile?
3 The pure, the humble, contrite mind,
Sincere, and to thy will resign'd,
To thee a nobler off'ring yields
Than Sheba’s groves, or Sharon’s fields.
4 Love God and man:—this great command
Doth on eternal pillars stand.
This did Thine ancient prophets teach,
This did the great Messiah preach. Topics: The Christian Character and Life, In General Languages: English
Th' uplifted eye, and bended knee