Author: A. C. Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #90 (1873) Lyrics: 1 The rising light adorning,
Each day with beams renewed,
Announces every morning,
The Lord is every good!
The gentle, lute-like vespers,
That murmur through the wood,
In quiet breathings whisper,
The Lord is ever good!
2 The fragrant Spring, displaying
Her beauteous flowerhood
Along the vales, is saying,
The Lord is ever good!
As Autumn strews before us
Her plenteous stores of food,
We all respond in chorus,
The Lord is ever good!
3 Our sunny days of pleasure,
When cares do not intrude,
Speak sweetly this glad measure,
The Lord is every good!
When clouds of sorrow near us,
In hours of solitude,
Still, still do these words cheer us,
The Lord is ever good!
4 The child's light, merry laughter
Proclaims in cheerful mood,
As echo answers after,
The Lord is good--is good!
The man, whose frame is riven
By age and servitude,
May raise his eyes to heaven,
And say, The Lord is good!
Topics: Attributes of God Goodness; The Lord is Good
The rising light adorning