Meter: in 513 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: E. Miller, 1731-1807Tune Key: D MajorIncipit: 13421 35655 17655 Used With Text: The Gospel Shows the Father's Grace
Appears in 538 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Thomas Hastings, Mus. Doc.Tune Key: C MajorIncipit: 34555 43665 71222 Used With Text: The Gospel shows the Father's grace
Meter: in 16 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: H. EgliTune Key: A MajorIncipit: 51716 54332 2217 Used With Text: The Gospel Shows The Father's Grace
Meter: in 209 hymnalsTune Sources: Cationale Germanicum, Gochsheim, 1628; Württembergisches Neues Choralbuch, 1956 (Setting)Tune Key: F MajorIncipit: 13532 34565 32117 Used With Text: The Gospel Shows the Father's Grace