Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #241 (1918) Lyrics: 1 Th'atoning work is done,
The Victim’s blood is shed,
And Jesus now is gone
His people’s cause to plead:
He stands in heaven their great High Priest,
And bears their names upon His breast.
2 He sprinkled with His blood
The mercy-seat above;
For justice had withstood
The purposes of love;
But justice now withstands no more,
And mercy yields her boundless store.
3 No temple made with hands
His place of service is;
In heaven itself He stands,
A heavenly priesthood His:
In Him the shadows of the Law
Are all fulfilled, and now withdraw.
4 And though awhile He be
Hid from the eyes of men,
His people look to see
Their great High Priest again:
In brightest glory He will come,
And take His waiting people home. Topics: Intercession Languages: English
Th' atoning work is done